the window fucking exploded

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"I'm not insane - Swear!" Jake puts on a voice for the camera and Johnnie just shoots a look to said camera that says he doesn't believe him at all. It's almost the same look that he has when the taller man burps during food rating videos..

"I just-" Jake starts then pauses, probably trying to find the correct words. "we don't really have enough footage.." After thinking about it for more than a few seconds, the taller man has enough clarity to realize that it probably isn't the best idea to try and convince his friend to do something else that he isn't really comfortable with after last time... fuck.


"Dude.." Johnnie is using that over exasperated voice. The emo man vaguely thinks about how he might do literally anything for the other man, it's actually really bad at this point. He'll fucking do it, he really doesn't want to but he'll do it. He'll watch the taller try and summon ghosts that neither of them believe in. He'll freeze his ass off in the pouring rain. He'll go to a shitty ass 'haunted' Airbnb just because he wants to be with the other. Doesn't mean he's not pissed at the other but he'll fucking do it.

It's sick and twisted - pathetic even - and Johnnie has enough self respect - or maybe it's shame - to be angry about it. This feeling simmers just below his skin, he's not sure if he's just a little salty at his friend or at himself.

A look flashes across Jake's face that the shorter man can't quite place, it looks almost like regret.

"Alright, we can head back.." Fuck, he's definitely thinking back to that night months ago when they were stuck in that damned motel. Johnnie wonders when his life started to center around that one single turning point that's made his best friend see him in such a different light - as so fragile - he wonders when it will end.

He watches Jake's back as he leaves to go futz with his douchey electric car, he's so broad and Johnnie briefly wonders if he's jealous of the other man or if this feeling is something else.. something so much worse. Okay, he knows the answer to that - it just frusterates him beyond belief.

The smaller man takes this time to try and calm himself, everything's gonna be fine. They'll make it out of this creepy ass shit show unscathed.

He watches Jake turn on the car to start the A/C as he collects their stuff, from out the obnoxiously large window he watches as the taller man throws his hands up in frusteration.

Fuck. He knows exactly what that means. Something's gone wrong somehow.

Jake stomps back up the stairs and yells,

"Car won't start."

"...Did you not charge it before we left?"


"Are you fucking serious Jake?"

"I'm sorry man, I didn't know it was low.."

"Dude. This is like the fifth time." Johnnie genuinely cannot believe that this is a coincidence anymore, what the fuck is going on? How many times can Jake forgetting to charge something get them in deep shit before someone fucking dies courtesy of an insane Airbnb host?

Okay, yeah, that's a huge exaggeration but Johnnie's pretty pissed.

"I think it's like the second time.." Johnnie glares at Jake for taking the phrase literally.

Jake starts stuttering a little under the scrutinizing look, "It's fine I, I'll just call Triple A, I'm sure they'll know what to do.."

Johnnie puts his hands over his own face for a couple seconds, stressed.

"Remember last time we had to call them?" They ran out of gass in a Starbucks parking lot - somewhere very accessible to roads and shit - and it took Triple A six hours to get to them, six hours.

so desperately obvious - Jake Webber x Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now