who's his emergency contact?

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"PULL OVER, OR DRIVE TO THE HOSPITAL, OR CALL 911.. DO SOMETHING? OH GOD WHAT SHOULD I DO.. I SHOULD'VE PAID ATTENTION TO FIRST AID IN SCHOOL.." Jake is rambling uncontrollably and loudly but he has no sense of mind through the panic to lower his volume, "FUCK!!"

"Calm down kid, there's a hospital ten minutes from here. He's probably just hypothermic; it should be fine." Jake looks at the old man in a panic,

"What should I do?" His hands are held up in the air above Johnnie and he hesitates before tugging the smaller man towards himself and rubbing up and down his back.

"Don't touch him too much, could trigger cardiac arrest." The older man's eyes flick from the anxious mess that is Jake back to the road quickly, seeming fairly unmoved.

The younger man doesn't even have half a mind to question the uber driver, the guy has probably had expirience with stuff like this before, who knows.

"Oh fuck.!" He jumps back from Johnnie.

"Do you have a knife or scissors?"

"What?!" Jake chokes on his own spit, his brain is going a million miles a minute "Why?"

"Taking off the wet clothes will help."

"Ohhh, uh" He knows that Johnnie has a knife in his boot so he reaches in then cuts his shirt off with shaking hands after taking off the two jackets. The shorter man doesn't even flinch at the contact and Jake wishes he knew what that means for the physical state of his friend.

He starts mumbling reassurances to his shivering friend (if he were in a more stable mentality, Jake would realize that his friend is so far gone that he isn't shivering) almost certain that the blue eyed man can't hear him and unsure who he's trying to comfort more. Though from the driver's pitying glance, the answer may be clear to unlookers.


They arrive at the hospital and Johnnie is taken away on a stretcher, Jake looks on in horror as his friend's thin frame is hooked up to tubes and wires. He should never have dragged the smaller man out into the middle of the woods in the dead of winter.

The temperature must have dropped in the last night to well around freezing and Jake feels a deep gnawing guilt. All those times he had brushed off Johnnie's complaints. The smaller man is often whining amd moaning about the latest insignificant issue in his life (never the important shit, to Jake's dismay) so he had severely misjudged how much he'd put the other through as a result.

Fucking damnit, fuck.. How could he have made such a big mistake? He should've just given Johnnie his jacket that first night, his lips were fucking BLUE.

What if Johnnie dies and Jake is stuck sitting in the sterile white lined walls of the waiting room with the damn nurses not letting him see his friend because he's not 'family'.

Johnnie doesn't have any fucking family to visit him, who the fuck came up with that shitty ass rule?

If Johnnie dies alone and it's all his fault he won't be able to live with himself. It sounds stupid, he knows, because surely this isn't a serious case if the driver guy didn't seem bothered. He seemed to know what he was doing, right?

Johnnie can't die here. Cold and sick and lonely and shivering and NOT shivering because his organs are fucking shutting down because he's so fucking cold and Jake is so damned stupid.

He's spiraling, it can't be helped. Logically, Jake knows that a twenty-six year old in decent health probably isn't gonna die of hypothermia but really, how healthy was - is Johnnie. Jake has to remind himself that Johnnie isn't gone.


The thought makes Jake sick. He doesn't know why he's spiraling so badly, he's just afraid of his friend dying. This is normal, he isn't unhealthily attached. Right?

A nurse passes by and must see how terrified and exhausted he is because she asks who he's waiting for and if she can help at all. That's when he comes up with a genius idea.

He is Johnnie's boyfriend. They have to let him see his 'boyfriend', it's foolproof.


He's led into the room to see a now fully unconscious Johnnie decked out in a baby blue hospital gown that looks so disheveled - so distincly him.

He watches in horror for a few seconds as the white noise of the repetitive 'beep' 'beep' 'beep' plays like a dramatic backdrop to some cheesy hospital show in the forefront of his mind. Johnnie's chest rises and falls in tandem with the sound and he can feel bile rising in the back of his throat and a static whirring sound in his mind.

Pale skin is exposed and Jake can't help but think that there seems to be next to no bloodflow going through the smaller man's body, he has no color and the taller man is choking with fear.

"Is.. is he-" he stops himself from saying 'dead', afraid that somehow he'll manifest the word into reality. "okay, is he gonna be okay?"

"Yes, well.. his body temperature reached 89 degrees which is the point at which organs start shutting down." Jake already knew that last part, he just wants to know if the other man will survive. Why does this feel like a game show dragging out the announcement for next contestant eliminated? "We will have to keep him here for at least the next twenty four hours."

Jake exhales the breath he was holding, none of his anxiety relieved. Johnnie's gonna have to spend another twenty four plus hours in extreme discomfort and Jake doesn't even know if he's gonna be okay...

"You're welcome to go home. We'll have to call his emergency contact when he needs to get picked up. He should not drive home from the hospital." Jake does not point out that the other man can't drive. He usually finds humor in that fact but doesn't today for obvious reasons.

"Uhh who's his emergency contact?"

"It's listed on his phone as one 'Jake Webber'" That kind of makes the brunette want to cry.


remember to set up your emergency contact + medical info in your phone in case of emergencies!! it's very convenient for emt and medical personnel to know ur blood type/other info as fast as possible in those scenarios!

as always, please correct any grammatical errors and leave votes/comments or johnnie will feel my wrath (jkjk)

so desperately obvious - Jake Webber x Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now