i'm your little bitch though

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They arrive to the run down motel after a couple grueling hours of walking. Johnnie is positive that his heels are bleeding from the stupid fucking heavy boots he chose to wear. He can feel the warmth seeping through his too-thin socks.

He's also all too aware that his foundation has worn off and now any flush that spreads across his face will be painfully obvious.

The white walls of the building are peeling to reveal a grimey brown interior. Johnnie had been joking about the pinkeye thing earlier but at the moment he almost feels the need to reiterate the statement.

The 'Middle of Nowhere Motel' is an oddly on-the-nose name for the place, and it has an eerie feel that he isn't sure is entirely due to its surroundings.

As they're at the checkout, he leans in close to Jake's ear and asks if the other thinks anyone's died here. The taller man just chuckles which Johnnie takes as a resounding 'yes'.

The man at the counter tells them that there's only one room because the place is strangely busy today which shouldn't really be an issue, they're roomates and have definitely slept near eachother before.

That is, until they get to the room.

"Johnnie.. there's only one bed."

The shorter can't help but think that must be a line from some shitty fanfiction, there is no way this is real life. Is the world out to humiliate them? Who in their right mind is booking out all the rooms in 'The Middle of Nowhere Motel'?

"Fucking hell man, why can't we catch a break?" He pinches the bridge of his nose to portray his extreme dissatisfaction and Jake actually fake winces. "Don't worry man, I won't smother you in your sleep." His mouth forms that tight-lipped smirk and Johnnie knows that the other man is just as uncomfortable.

There's a quick silence in which the shorter man is sure something unspoken about Johnnie laying on his friend's chest goes through both of their minds.

There is talk about creating a pillow barrier - a huge cliché move that either screams 'I'm desperately begging you to believe that I'm straight' or something that could be made into some kind of joke about how they won't spontaneously have gay sex in their sleep just from sleeping in the same room together.

But they don't mention either of these things and they don't build the pillow barrier (mostly because they don't have enough pillows - not because they're just that comfortable in their sexuality).

"Why do they have the fuckin' AC on, I'm gonna freeze in my sleep-"

"You're such a lil bitch, Johnnie" Admittedly, the blue eyed man's voice is extremely whiny at the moment - on purpose, to bother his mildly disgruntled friend who is still jacket-less - the remark is still uncalled for though.

"I'm your little bitch though." It's obviously a fucking joke, they both make these kinds of jokes all the time - why are the shorter man's cheeks heating up through his smarmy expression.

"Hey man, are you coming down with somethin?" Jake asks, seeming genuinely concerned which just makes the ordeal so much worse for the black haired man, "I thought you were cold?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm good - just... cold."

"...says the one with my jacket.."

Johnnie just looks at the taller man dubiously - he is not planning on telling the other that he's got next to no fat on his body and therefore gets cold really fucking easily or that he's blushing because his friend showed the slightest amount of concern for him. Jake seems to understand the first part though, they really know eachother too well.

"Maybe you've gotta start bulking, bro." He makes the comment with a goofy smile and all Johnnie can do is scoff while grinning.

"Do you wanna go again cuz I'll beat yer ass." The shorter man is now using some miscellaneous accent and the brunette rolls his eyes at his friend's antics.


"C'mon Johnnie, its time to get all cuddled up!" Jake says the words in a vaguely southern accent with his lips pursed and the shorter man knows that there'll be comments on how cherry red he is.

"Alright, pucker up!" Johnnie matches the taller man's energy and ducks towards him just enough to get the point across while smirking. After getting in the bed - shoulder to shoulder because there is seriously no room - it's Johnnie's turn to explain their circumstances through chattering teeth to the camera.

After playing the footage back, he might notice the concerned look that Jake's giving him throughout the clip but who's to say?


There are no blinds and the moonlight is reflecting off of Jake's skin so nicely, he looks so attractive and it makes Johnnie genuinely want to throw up. The taller man is looking at the ceiling, lost in thought as the moon paints shadows over the planes of his face and the black haired man can't pull his eyes away.

Hey, at least it's less creepy than watching him while he's asleep? Johnnie is no Edward Cullen. He wonders what the other is thinking about - probably serial killers or girls or something?

"Hey Johnnie..." The younger man disturbs the silence and looks over, dark eyes meeting blue while giggling slightly. "Who do you think would get murdered first in-" So he was thinking about the first option - Johnnie should be a psychic.

"Oh my fuck - would you stop with the murder talk? I know you're just trying to freak me out and it's fuckin' working."

Jake's outwardly smiling now, white teeth flashing in the annoyingly bright room.

"No but serious-" The shorter cuts him off,

"I will smother you in your sleep."

"Yeah, no. I know you will." Did Jake just fucking wink? - or was that Johnnie's eyes playing tricks on him?!

"Your days are so numbered.." He's joking - really he is - because truthfully his own days are gonna be numbered if Jake keeps bringing up the fucking cuddling incident. He might have a heart attack - or more likely a panic attack - and die from the existential torment.

They finally drift off to sleep after a couple more minutes of tired banter.


Jake is jostled awake a few hours later to a comfortable warmth against his side, he smiles softly, vaguely aware of who it is in his sleep-addled haze and finding the other's need for warmth kind of cute dispite his better judgement. He curls one arm under the smaller man and pulls him closer against his chest.


LONG CHAPTER!! were makin progress.

also yes some of their dialogue is cringe im just trying to be true to their character loll

also plz point out any spelling/grammatical errors if u see em! i didnt proofread this at all

guysguys wait im thinking of AUs and picture this; fake dating au?! i love those fics that are like 'i had to bring someone over for the holidays so do u wanna fake date?' and found family and warm and fluffy and aaaaahh

vote if u like or i will have johnnie get abducted by a serial killer in the next chapter (jkjk)

so desperately obvious - Jake Webber x Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now