i said thanks, you ass

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They finally get to the road and Johnnie's wheezing at this point with the combined exertion of having eaten nothing of substance the day before (Jake really should've planned out this video better) and the fact that he's been violently shivering since being (embarrassingly) torn from the taller man's body heat all those hours ago.


Jake has been watching his friend intently since the bear/deer incident, Johnnie seems to be really off his game. Maybe it's hunger or anxiety. Though, why would he be anxious when it's just the two of them? 

The older man must sense that Jake has been staring at him because he looks over and fixes him with an accusing look that has no real heat behind it.

"Hey- why didn't you bring a portable charger or anything?"

Jake looks back at his friend, they're now walking alongside the road (Johnnie finally caved to his hitchhiking idea). He rubs the back of his neck in an outwardly guilty gesture,

"Uhhh, I miight've forgot it on the kitchen table..." He drags out the 'i' in might've to further portray his guilt. 

"DUDE-" The shorter's tone is indignant, rightfully so since he has been turning into an icicle of his former self over the course of the trip.

"HEY- I didn't realize until our phones died then it was too late." He averts his eyes and kicks a pinecone regretfully. It hits the back of Johnnie's heel miraculously and Jake winces.

"Rude." The shorter definitely knows it wasn't on purpose but the brunette still feels a little bad.

Jake has his gaze locked on his friend's thin frame again when a particularly violent shiver wracks the other's body and he rolls his eyes, finally taking off his warm jacket and covering the man's skinny shoulders.

Johnnie looks up in surprise, a tinge of rose color dotting his cheeks and Jake tells himself it's just the cold creating the illusion of blush. It contrasts nicely with the piercing blue of his eyes. Fuck - Jake really needs to stop inwardly calling his friend pretty before it slips out.

Johnnie bites his lip ring nervously and Jake's gaze follows the action, thankfully the shorter is looking away at this point so he has time to rip his eyes from their fixated position before the other can notice.

"Thanks", it's quiet, almost bashful and Jake chuckles, "What was that?" He teases and Johnnie's face breaks out into what he knows is supposed to be a sardonic grin but it just comes across as genuine.

"I said thanks, you ass." The blue eyed man says as he shoves Jake's shoulder playfully. The brunette laughs - because what else was he supposed to do? - and they keep walking. He's glad that Johnnie's stopped shivering.


johnnie finally gets the jacket he's been lusting after!

did i tell you guys this is slowburn because yeah, it kinda is i think?

also leave votes or else i'll uhh i dunno but i'll think of smt

if they see this i might kms

so desperately obvious - Jake Webber x Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now