you really think you're sexy enough to get kidnapped?

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Johnnie's face is still burning from the cuddling debacle - knowing that Jake knows he was the one that gravitated in his sleep is deeply humiliating but the other man was just so cozy... His chest was so warm and firm under his head.. Damnit - those are some very, very un-straight thoughts.

Jake's back to filming (ie; rambling and ranting) now and Johnnie's off to his side with what he assumes is a far off look in his eyes.

He finally tunes in to hear, "This sneaky lil bitch got a little too close for comfort last night" Jake winks at him and Johnnie huffs and yells back a "Hey man, I wasn't the one with my hands down your pants." with a stupid smirk knowing that the viewers won't know how truthful the first comment really was.

Fuck Jake and his mean streak in teasing Johnnie about that right now.

The taller man just shrugs with a parody of a perverse smirk across his face as the shorter flips him off.

"So, what's the plan?"

"You seriously weren't listening to my monologue?"

"Of course I wasn't dickhead, when have I ever listened to you?" He's met with an exaggerated hurt expression and chuckles.

The plan was to walk to the road and hitchhike.

"That's so stupid."

"Do you have a better idea?"

"Okay - hear me out; we get a flare gun and signal our location."

"Oh my god you're so fucking stupid Johnnie - where would we get a flare gun??" Jake grabs him by the nape of his neck to shake him in faux exasperation for the camera and the shorter has to fight back a shiver because he's fucking touch starved alright?

"I dunno but I don't wanna get kidnapped off the side of the road"

"You really think you're sexy enough for someone to kidnap you?"

"My uncle certainly does" Johnnie responds with a stupid grin.

"Oh yeah - for sure" Jake huffs a laugh and rolls his eyes, "And you're hardly a 'kid'"

"Hey now buddy.." He chastises the brunette - "I don't kink shame." Jake sputters at this, the various conmotations are endless.

They're now walking in what is hopefully the right direction, Johnnie is painfully aware of how long the semi-off road car ride was.


"Jake, It's like really cold."

"I know Johnnie, you've told me every five minutes for the last hour.."

"Hey, you have no idea how long it's been, our phones are dead!" He sounds more proud of himself then he probably should for refuting the other's statement

Jake rolls his eyes for the hundreth time and smiles softly at the shorter's antics, Johnnie turns away with a smile of his own - he's so tired of this one sided homoromantic tension. He's not gay - Jake's not gay either, why does he feel like this?!


Jake can actually hear the other man's teeth chattering while their walking and is kinda concerned the the video-audio is picking it up and he's gonna get in trouble for friend abuse.

"Are you gonna die on me dude?" In response, the shorter looks at him with slight distress,

"You told me I wasn't gonna die man, you're supposed to be the calm and collected one here!" He knows that Johnnie is going for an exaggerated freak-out but he's beginning to think there's some truth behind it.

"No, I'm pretty sure you're the calm one?!"

"Nuh uh"

"...Okay, neither of us are the calm one, what do we do now?" Jake cuts the clip after that, they're officially in the middle of the woods and he wishes that he had taken that stupid nature advice they tell you when you're a kid to record landmarks so you don't get stranded further in the cacophony of trees.

Johnnie is physically trembling by now, his leather jacket is slightly cropped showing off the tiniest sliver of porcelain white skin and his skinny jeans probably aren't helping contain any warmth.

"Do you need a hug or something?" It's a last resort, Jake doesn't really know of anything else he can do. Johnnie side eyes him - searching for any humour behind the question and when he doesn't find any he still shakes his head anyways, likely deciding that the admission isn't worth it.

They've never been very 'vulnerable' friends so it kinda checks out - it still hurts a little bit though and Jake's sick of seeing his friend suffer.

The thought of hugging brings him back to their impromptu cuddle sesh, it's pretty funny to think back on. The other man was so vividly against the idea then but was the one who initiated it in his sleep. Now that's comedy. Jake consequently ignores how pretty the other man was in his sleep - he seemed so at peace with his features relaxed and no tension or stress in his face.

Who doesn't find their best friend pretty though? Or the weight of him on their chest comforting? That's just a normal reaction. Yeah...


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so desperately obvious - Jake Webber x Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now