you were totally about to piss your pants!

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They're walking through the barren trees when Johnnie suddenly picks up on a sound that's comparatively loud to the silence of the woods.

He whispers a hushed, "Did you hear that?"

"Hear wh-" Johnnie quickly cuts Jake off out of fear for both of their lives "-SHHH"

Okay, maybe the shusing sound was a bit too loud but it was urgent, okay? Jake just looks at him with that amused expression on his face and the sound has stopped.

"There was a rustling sound, something's here with us.." He whispers basically in the taller man's ear.

"Well yeah, it's the middle of the woods, of course there's gonna be animals and shit.." At least he's also taken on the whisper even though he doesn't seem to be taking the situation seriously. Johnnie squints at him,

"What if it's a bear?" Now, one might wonder what it is with Johnnie and bears, he just has a healthy fear. Nothing strange about that.

"Dude, you're not gonna get eaten by any animals." The shorter man looks at him dubiously as if to say 'how do you know that?' and Jake rolls his eyes playfully "-I'll protect you from the vultures."

"Jake, are you saying you're gonna let me die before protecting me."


"And hey! I can fend for myself just fine!" His whisper is slightly louder now - indignant. Jake only scoff-laughs in reply.

"Yeah, sureee" He's doing one of his comedic voices now and Johnnie is unamused.

The rustling picks up again after a short lapse in conversation. Johnnie scurries slightly behind the taller man.

"Are you really sacrificing me to this random animal right now, Johnnie?" At this point, the camera's back out - the shorter man assumes that Jake is ready to film him getting mauled and flips him off, not risking speaking.

They're both staring into the vast expanse of trees, waiting for the mystery creature and Johnnie is so thankful that the sun's still out cuz this would be creepy as hell if it wasn't.

The trees are bare, they should easily be able to spot the animal but nooo. Jake steps further in front of his friend slightly and the smaller man tries to shove down the warm and fuzzy feelings created by the gesture.

Jake has always been the one who's more adventurous on camera but this isn't really one of their 'haunted site' videos - they could actually be in danger.

Finally, a doe sprints through the trees followed shortly by a buck and Johnnie lets out the breath that he definitely knew he was holding and sinks down further towards the ground in relief.

Jake bursts out laughing, hunching down to the same level as the other and he can't help but join in a little bit. That was a little ridiculous and now that the adrenaline is finally wearing off, the shorter man feels light, it's freeing.

"Oh my god dude, you were totally about to piss your pants!" Jake wheezes.

"I think I did a little bit ." He jokes. "Clean up on aisle four"

"Seriously dude, you couldn't beat up those deer?"

"Fuck off, I thought it was a bear or something-"

"Yeah suree"

"Hey man, what are you talkin about I'm strong asfuck" He's putting on a voice now, flexing for the camera and Jake laughs, poking his arm which is fully covered by the leather jacket.

Johnnie knows that he can throw a good punch despite his friend's frankly rude comments so he just rolls his eyes and chuckles as they continue walking.


"It feels like we're walking in circles." This time it's Jake complaining, finally. Johnnie was starting to feel like a lil bitch for being the only one whining.

"Well maybe you-"

"Don't you dare say anything about this being my idea or god help you-"

"...It was your idea." He shrugs with a smug smirk knowing that Jake probably isn't as agile as him while carrying their tent.

The taller man sprints towards him camera in hand and Johnnie yells and runs further into the woods.

Suddenly, he hears a distant sound... almost like a horn blaring..

When Jake catches up he quickly shushes him again and the other rolls his eyes

"Nope- not after the deer incident"

"No seriously dude, shut up-."

The younger huffs and crosses his arms, going silent and side eyeing the black haired man. Then another, louder honk can be heard and a smile spreads across Johnnies face as he looks at his friend who grins back.

They start booking it towards the road and Johnnie kinda wishes he had tagged along with Jake to the gym all those times he'd been asked. He's fuckin freezing okay? That's a valid reason to be out of breath.

so desperately obvious - Jake Webber x Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now