A rude stranger

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You were walking when suddenly you bumped into someone

Y/n: OMG I'm so sorry-

???: are you blind don't you have eyes

Y/n: I said I'm sorry that was an

???: I don't care if it was an accident. Use your eyes and brain. Oh wait you cant cuz you dont have a brain.

(He said slightly laughing and left )

Y/N: Waow I'm speechless (I'm speechless wordless i don't need your kindness sorry guys I had to 😭✋🏻)

(You then left)

Time skip

You came back from the restroom and went back in the karaoke and
Saw the food on the table and Yuna
Pouting looking cute

Yuna: where have you been I have been waiting for so long

Yn: sorry pt 2 I bumped into some "rude stranger"

Yuna: ok ok let's eat I'm starving now

After that you guys start eating, singing, dancing and enjoying

2 hours later

Yuna: oh my god that was fun but I'm tiered now

(she said in a tired voice while laying on the floor)

Y/n: yeah but can't we go home now
We have been here 2 hours straight

[You said while laying upside down on the couch]

Yuna: yeah let's go

Saying that you both left

A few minutes later you came home And went inside your house And saw your mom and dad sitting on the couch looking worried they looked at you and you're mom came running and Hugged you and you Hugged her back. When your mom Broke the hug and said

Mom: where have you been do you know how worried me and you're dad have been

Y/n: I'm so sorry mom I didn't have any phone with me I forgot mine at home but I was out with Yuna at the karaoke and her phone also unfortunately died I'm sorry

Dad: it's ok this time but don't do it again cause we were about to call the cops

Y/n: oh my god I'm so sorry it won't happen again I'll be careful n XT time

Mom: it's ok go fresh up I will heat up th Food

Y/n: ok

No Trust Means No Love - I.N [Complete ✓]Where stories live. Discover now