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Uncle x aunty: what

I.N: yeah and we hope that you guys understand and accept our relation-

Uncle: I accept y/n as your girlfriend and to be honest I always wanted y/n as my daughter in law


Aunt:well ok it's fine with me

After your uncle x aunty accepted you and i.ns relationship you all start talking and enjoying

Day's skip to Saturday

You and Jake are waiting for your turn and you are really nervous

Jake:are you ok

Y/n: yes just a little nervous

Jake: everything is gonna be fine even I.N is there to se you be confidence

There are only relatives and judges
There to se your colography

??: next up is Jake and y/n

You and Jake went in the practice room and start dancing to senorita

After dancing you got comment's from the judges and you went to change your clothes and went to I.N

I.n: that was amazing you are a great Dancer but it could have been better if it was me

Y/n: thanks oh and if you wanna dance with me on senorita Then you need to make the choreography cause I'm tired.oh wait they are gonna announce the winner

The judges announce the winner: and the winner is Jake and y/n

You got happy and start jumping
And you hugged I.N

I.n: congratulations wait but
Where is Jake

Y/n:oh he went home because of his sister came back from L.A

I.n:oh ok

After that you both went home
When you came home you told your parents that you won and Thay were so proud of you

You were in your room when you got a facetime call from i.n

Y/n: hallur

I.n:hey you wanna come over tomorrow

Y/n: yeah sure why not

I.n:ok I will pick you up at 8:00 pm so be ready

Y/n: Oki Doki bye


Saying that you cut the call and went to sleep

Next morning
At i.ns house

Aunty:hay y/n

Y/n:hay aunty how going

Aunty: good how about you

Y/n: good aunt

Aunt:I will make food you wanna help

Y/n: sure I would love to

Saying that you went in the kitchen and as soon as you came inside aunt turned around

No Trust Means No Love - I.N [Complete ✓]Where stories live. Discover now