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When you and fire came inside the building( damage)
You saw five men's waiting for us

Y/n: Txt

kai: yes use honey and well you guys came 20 minutes before well I must say it's impressive

Y/n: shut the Fuck up and tell me where is Jake

Soobin:aww is babygirl worried for her boyfriend how romantic

Y/n: he is not my boyfriend tell me why did you kidnap Jake

Yj:slow down babygirl

Y/n: don't fucking call me that ever again

Tae:oh my god were so scared
Ha ha ha you really taught that we would be scared.of you a little girl

Y/n:The only one little here is you and your brain


Y/n:well I thought that you are 13 but I guess that the rest was a little bit to scared to face Us such a cowards

Fire:ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha hahahahaha ha haha ha hahahahaha hahahahahahahaha

You and your group were laughing when suddenly 8 men's came inside they looked a little familiar to the people that came at the Coco cafe

Chan: what's so funny

Kai:oh skz

Yj:well fire taught that it was funny insulting someone

Ryujin:well it isn't funny insulting someone but it is funny insulting you because you are made to be insulted

Lino:oh really I have never heard of that but pretty interesting

Jay:you haven't heard of it because you don't have ear's that works

Lino: ouch that hurts

Y/n:well you can get hurt later but WHERE THE FUCK IS JAKE

Felix:oh that Jake weirdo BRING HIM

He order his men's to bring Jake and when they brought him he was bleeding he hade bruise's he was all Pale it looked like someone hade beated him up for hours

You all looked at Jake and you were about to go to Jake when. Heeseung held you're arm. making you stop turning around

Hee:this could be a trap wait for a few minutes ok Relax

Han: jang-mi (your mafia name) doesn't he look better with bruise's on his face so cute

Y/n:and you will look good in your Death how hot

(Han got angry while you were standing there smirking)

Chan: enough of the Talk now let's get to the point. That why we kidnappede Jake a.k.a your boyfriend

Y/n: How many times should I say that he is not my boyfriend

Yj:well babygirl the way your mad at us for kidnaping Jake then it looks like he is your boyfriend

Y/n:well just because I'm worried and angry at you for kidnaping one of my teammates that doesn't make him my boyfriend. Now I want to know why you kidnappede Jake

I.n: it's simple

Jw: why

Lino: because after 2 year's of being the Top 1 most powerful mafia gruppe then there will be a test where the most well trained and most powerful member will be selected to be the mafia king/queen so that's why stop your mafia work

Chan:well you have 2 choice's 1-stop your mafia work or 2-there will be
a war a dangerous war

Hello flowers I hope you all enjoyed this part I know it's short sorry but we need many parts and every part need to be interesting.bit don't forget to vote ❤️🌺💜🌺❤️🌺💜🌺

No Trust Means No Love - I.N [Complete ✓]Where stories live. Discover now