it's not my birthday!

58 4 7

Next morning

Yn pov

I woke up cause of the sun hitting my face.i sat up in my bed and start stretching my arms

Me: good morning world

A few seconds later I went to the restroom and did my morning routine and went downstairs

Me: good morning everyone

I said while going towards my chair and start eating

Fire: morning!

Heeseung: so who is ready to go to the party today

Heeseung said while eating

Fire: me

Niki: what time is the party starting

Yuna:It's starting 09:45 pm

Fire start talking when suddenly I got a message from Instagram

I looked and saw s picture of i.n and a girl (you don't follow him)

Who is that girl with him and why are they standing so close .how dare she to Touch him I guess she has a dead what am I think we already broke up a long time ago but still who is that girl ughhh

I was lost in my own thoughts that I didn't hear Jake calling me

Jake: yn..yn earth to yn hellloooo

Me: yeah what sorry what happened!

Yeji: nothing happened but you have been spacing out in like 10 minutes now is everything alright

Me: yeah sorry so what were we talking about

Chaeryeong: we are talking about the new movie that just came out

Me: oh okay

Sunoo: what are we gonna were to the party

Me: we are gonna go there naked

Sunoo: what!!

Me: no Dumbo we are of course gonna were clothes like are you stupid

Sunoo: oh ok

Lia: but what are we gonna do in the mean time

Me: we can go out shopping and we can buy fake nails

Jungwon: I didn't know that boys also wears Fake nails

Me: no you can just buy something s
else cause I need fake nails

Jay: why didn't you do it at the salon

Ryujin: they said they are closing early that day so we couldn't

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