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You woke up in a unfamiliar room and saw 3 girl's standing when suddenly one of them start talking to you

Lia:oh hey I'm Lia this is Ryujin and this is chaeryeong oh and if your wondering we did not kidnap you we found you laying on the ground while it was raining

Y/n:.....(you didn't say anything and just start crying)

Ch:hey you ok you can share with us

You then told them what happened

Ryujin:daum that's horrible

Lia:omg I wish I could help you but what's your name


Ch:why don't you start a new life

Ryujin:yeah like start doing new stuff and stop thinking about him


Lia:why don't you start by being friends with us and then we can hang out and give you advice

Y/n:oh ok so tell me more you

You then found out that they are starting in your college and their parents are mafia but the good one

A few days later you Ryujin Lia and Chaeryeong started In your college and you and the others are now best friends but about i.n you thought that you were over i.n but Deep inside your heart you knew that you love him and i.n has now transfered to another college but you try you're best to ignore it

2 years later you moved out and are now working in a cafe because you want to fullfil your ITZY and enhypen are now a mafia that is named FIRE and you didn't show your face because of your parents doesn't know about that you are a mafia (top 1) and you don't live with enhypen and itzy in the Mansion because you work at a cafe

Present time at your apartment

You woke up by the sun hitting your face you looked at your alarm and went to the restroom and did your morning routine

You woke up by the sun hitting your face you looked at your alarm and went to the restroom and did your morning routine

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A few minutes later

You reached the cafe went inside
And saw Rose waiting for you

You reached the cafe went inside And saw Rose waiting for you

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Rose:late again gurl can't you came early one single day

Y/n: sorry I couldn't find my keys

Rose:ok now come

You guys were talking when suddenly you both saw 8 men's coming inside the cafe wearing all black and even wearing Masks

Y/N:i will take their orders

Saying that you went towards them

Y/n: Hell welcome to coco cafe what would you like to order

??1: hello we would like to order 6 ice coffees and 2 ice Americano

Y/n: anything else sir

??1:no thanks

After that you left and start making coffee for them

Y/n pov

I was making coffee and yea for the
people who just came when I suddenly felt one of them staring at I look and saw on of the boys are starting at he does look a little familiar to me but I didn't think much about that and I'm also done with the coffee so

End of y/n pov

You went towards them to give them coffee while you were giving coffee your necklace that i.n gave you came out of your shirt but you quickly put it back in my shirt when suddenly I noticed that one of them were looking at me shocked but I just counting doing your job

While you were giving them coffee you saw your phone ringing on the table(another table) you then quickly gave them coffee and went to take the call you looked at the caller id and saw Lia calling you

You then knew that it was a emergency and quickly pick up the phone and went in the corner


Y/n:hey everything alright

Lia: no everything is not fine there is a gruppe and they are on the top 2 most powerful gruppe and they have kidnappede Jake and are saying that of we don't come on the xxx place whit in a Hour then they will kill jake

Y/n: wait is it SXZ

Lia: yes

Y/n: i told Jake to be careful ok so send me the location and I will be there ok and bring your wepon's this won't be that easy especially when my ex is there

Lia: yeah but see you bye

Y/n: bye

Saying that you cut the call

Y/n:rose i need to go can you cover up for me pls

Rose:ok but this is the last time

Y/n: thanks bye

Saying that you left but little did you know that there is someone watching your ever move

A few minutes later

You came home and start getting ready for the mission

Oh and you also put your mask on because you didn't revival your face

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Oh and you also put your mask on because you didn't revival your face

After you were done you took your keys and left

A few minutes later you reached the xxx place

You saw FIRE waiting for you then went towards them

Yuna:you came in time now let's go

Saying that you all went inside

When you went inside the
building and saw

No Trust Means No Love - I.N [Complete ✓]Where stories live. Discover now