🎉 great surprise 🎉

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You were walking away from your college when suddenly you saw your parents you went towards them and quickly Hug them

Mom:oh~my~god I have missed you so so so much

Y/n:aww I missed you too ❤️

Dad:my beautiful daughter now shall we go home because you will get a surpri-

Mom:yo-your favorite food now let's go home

Saying that you all went home

And the first thing you did when you came home was to hug your couch

Y/n: I have missed you my best friend

Dad:ok ok now go in your room

You Node and went in your room only to see a beautiful dress on
the bed 👇

You Node and went in your room only to see a beautiful dress on the bed 👇

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You smiled and changed your clothes and went downstairs

You smiled and changed your clothes and went downstairs

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Mom:so what do you think

Y/n:I love it thank you

Dad:we are happy that you like it no come and eat

After eating

Dad:y/n go and sleep now it gave been a long day

Y/n:oh ok good night

Saying that you went in your room and did you night routine and was about to sleep when you got a message from I.N


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