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Next morning

Yn: good morning worl- ouch why dose my neck hurts so bed

I.N also woke up

I.N: ouch my back and neck how did I end up sleeping like this ouch oh yn are you ok

He said and stod up while you did the same

Yn: yeah just a bit neck pain but how did we even end up sleeping like this and what time is it

I.n: looked at the time and got schocked

I.n: tf it's 12:55 A.M

Yn: what!.. I Guess we just missed a few hours of the day

I.n: yeah but you go in my room and getting ready I will just get ready here

You nod and left

You came in i.n's room and looked for pain Killer but then you found a box (idk what those things are called) that says Pain Killer you then took a pill out and then took the glass of water that was on the night stand you were about to put it in your mouth when you heard i.n

I.N: no don't take those!!

He screamed and ran towards me and took the pill and Threw it on the floor you looked at him confused

Yn: what happened those are just Pain Killer

I.N: no-...I mean y-yes but they are expired yeah they are expired since last year now here give it to me

Yn: oh ok but why are you here

You said while giving him the pain Killer can/box/thing(whatever it's called)

I.N: I came here because I needed a towel and all the towels are I. My room so yeah

Yn: oh ok

He then took the pill thing and a towel.then left

I.N pov

I came right on time or she would have taken the sleeping pills

(I.N used sleeping pills when he found out that your and Jake's picture was Photoshopped he couldn't sleep because he kept thinking about what he did to you)

I then Threw the pills in the trash can and went to tak a shower

End of i.n pov

Meanwhile yn

Yn: that was weird but let's just go to take a shower

Saying that you went to take a shower


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