Us Together

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I.n: yn i want to ask you something

Yn: yeah go on

I.n: can you stay here for a few days because it's have been long since we have spend time together

Yn: Uhm. Sure it's been long since it's been us together so are we gonna do something special today

I.n: we are gonna go to the amusement park or we can go at the mall

Yn: amusement park please it's been soooo long since I have been there

I.n: ok but you don't have anything to wear

Yn: your right so what are we gonna do..?

I.n well I can go out quickly and buy you a dress and some heels since it's there is a Shop here not so far away

You nod

Yn: but what are we gonna do in the meantime

I.n: we could watch a movie

Yn: great idea

I.n: well I am done I can tell the maid's to clean this up and I will go out to buy something for you while you can prepare what we shall watch at the cinema

Yn: can't we watch the movie in the living room it's more comfortable

I.n: do what's easy and most comfortable for you princess

You blushed

I.n: Sana (the Maid)-[not twice Sana]

I.n: Sana
He Said again

I.n: san-

He was about to call the maid when you cut him of by saying

Yn: i gave the maids a few days off so we can have time together and don't worry I don't like maid's doing what I am supposed to do I like to do things by myself

I.n: but-

Yn: no buts and go get ready you need to buy me things and we also need to watch a movie so go

You said while pushing him towards the room
He just chuckled and went inside

You then start yo Wash the dishes

Yn pov

I was doing the dishes when I well to strong arms around my waist I didn't look at my side's because I know it was i.n

Me: well hello Mr yang jeongin

I.n: hello Mrs yang jeongin

No Trust Means No Love - I.N [Complete ✓]Where stories live. Discover now