something is wrong

65 2 0

(Your outfit ☝️)

Y/n pov

It's 7:55 pm and I have changed and I even went to Jake to ask if he is ok and now I feel like I need air

So I changed my clothes and went outside for a walk

The sky is purple and pink today. I was walking when I bumped into someone

Me:are you ok

??:yeah I'm fine (went away quickly)

It was a male voice but I couldn't see the face because he had glasses and a mask on he was wearing all black it was a bit weird but I struggled it off and went back
Home after buying a few corn dogs so when I get home then everyone can eat

End of y/n pov

?? Pov

I bumped into her and got what I wanted now we need to get to the last part of the mission 😏

End of ?? Pov

You went home and ate corn dogs with everyone else

Y/n: lia have any of you seen my phone I can't find it

Lia: maybe you left it at the xxx or it is Here in the living room

Y/n:oh ok I will check the living room then I will go to the xxx ok

Saying that you start to look for your phone


You went to the xxx place to find you're phone


Jay:hey guys I got a message from y/n saying to meet up at the #### place

Lia :looks like someone found there phone

Niki:what do you mean

Lia:well she lost here phone and I told her to look for it at the xx place and in the living room but she found it

Hee: did she only call you or did she call everyone to meet up at the ## place

Jay:she said"hey jay tell everyone to meet up with me at the ### place.

Chaeryeong:i feel something wrong and Jake he also didn't recover

Yuna:I can stay with Jake ẞut you guys can go

Yuna:what do you decided Jungwon and yeji you guys are the leader after y/n soo.....

Yeji:well I think you are right we all can go and Yuna will stay with Jake

Jw:yeah now shall we go


Saying that they left


They all came back home and sat on the couch

Yuna:sooo how was it

Yeji:yeah it was good but I need to tell you and Jake something in private

Saying that they went in Jake's room

Suddenly the front door opened reviling y/n

Lia:what took you so long

Y/n:oh I saw Lisa while coming back
So we just needed to get ice cream

You were about to go upstairs when suddenly you stopped on your track

You looked behind and saw the members looking nervous af

Y/n: wait a my phone Lia

Lia looks beside her and saw y/n's phone. Lia laughed nervously/awkwardly

Y/n:how did you find my phone I have literally been looking for my phone in 30 minutes well not until I was on my way home and saw Lisa. You own me an explanation young lady

Lia:ok first of all I'm older than you
And second while you were at the xxx place I found your phone laying at the dinning area on the table

Y/n:but why didn't you tell me

Lia:well my pH died and you were outside so sorry 😔

Y/n: It's ok but where is yeji,Yuna and Jake

Niki:uhh uhmmm uhh.....they.....they are at the restroom

Y/n:Together (while rasing one eyebrow)

Niki: Well they are cleaning up because Lia unnie punish them

T/n:, why?

Jw: because they accidentally sprayed painting on Lia's..........favorite shirt
Yeah... favorite shit..I-i mean favorite shirt he hehe

Y/n:can I see it?


Y/n flinched


Jay: because she threw it out

Y/n:uhmmmm...... Okay......but I'm gonna go up bey good night

You then left

Jay: phew we were almost gonna get caught

Hee:yeah...but I didn't expect Lia to be this good at lying

Lia:ok I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing but thanks

Saying that they left to sleep


Hey flowers how are you doing. So how was this part and why would jay say that they were about to get can y/n text them to come at the ### place when she didn't find her phone keep watching and find out luv ya Bye

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