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Y/n: you

Jake: yas me (he said looking proud)

Y/n: what are you doing here

Jake:idk the others were sleeping and I came here to have fun

Y/n: oh ok come Inside I have made food if you wanna eat

Jake: ok

You both then went inside and sat down

Jake: is this your roommate

Y/n:oh yeah sorry I forgot to introduce
So jake this is I.n and i.n this is jake

Jake showed his hand for a handshake but I.n ignored it and went to his room

Y/n:why don't you eat

Jake:oh yeah

He took a bite

Jake: omg this taste sooooo gude

Y/n: really thanks

After eating

Y/n: hey Jake you wanna play games and watch a movie

Jake: yeah why not do you have popcorn

Y/n: yeah I think so but I will bring UNOOOOO!

You then went inside your room trying to fine the uno in you bag

Y/n: Jake here is uno

Jake: perfect I'm also done putting the popcorn in the microwave

Saying that you start playing uno first round you win second round Jake third round Jake

After the third round you heard that the popcorn is done

Jake: finally the popcorn is done after the third round

Y/n: yeah the microwave is slow

Saying that you guys start watching the movie (the nun)

After 1 Hour

The movie ended and you guys start cleaning up and washing the dishes
When suddenly you got a SMS from your group chat with Yuna

The movie ended and you guys start cleaning up and washing the dishesWhen suddenly you got a SMS from your group chat with Yuna

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Jake: who is it

Y/n: og just Yuna asking if I wanna hang out with her and yeji

Jake: oh ok I think I should get going it's 10:03 pm

Y/n: really the time went by so quickly

Y/n: but bye

Jake: by- wait can you give me your phone number idk why don't ask

Y/n: oh yeah

After giving your number he left

After Jake left you went in you're room and start doing your night routine because your really tir-

Y/n: 💤💤💤💤💤

Me: never mind 😅

Time: 11:30

Y/n pov

I was sleeping when suddenly I heard something in the living room I decided to go out and check

When I came out off my room I got
Pinned up the wall

End of y/n pov

(Hope you enjoyed the next part will be a little 13+ so good luck)🌚

No Trust Means No Love - I.N [Complete ✓]Where stories live. Discover now