chapter 5:

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Don't own anything

Just ocs:

author pov:

alarm went off bunch of soldiers & shinobi gathered around where hyoki & leo are. They all aimed at hyoki. Jake asuka & others went to see what's going on at the courtyard.

Jake pov:

5 security airborne mechs on station.

Hibari: HYOKI!?

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Hibari: HYOKI!?

Jake: so that's the girl you encounter ikaruga?

Ikaruga: yes that's her. Me, akame san, tomoe sama, setsuna san fought her back then

Hyoki: master of infinite galeon & the shinobi of light. Or should i say wicked war machine

Jake: nice to meet you too

Hibari stares at her making the terrorist shinobi kinda mad but lets it go

Rin: you killed the guards didn't you?

Hyoki: of course i did. When you become a shinobi you prepared to die

Alex: same as becoming a soldier fighter pilot sailor & marine of u.d.f. we all prepared to die

Hyoki: only difference is you guys are extremely special

Leo: what are you doing here. Everyone is after you

Hyoki: am i allowed to see my sister.

Ginrei: and me as well?

Hyoki: yep & my future brother in law

Lung: so you're saying you came here to see them for one last time before your death

Hyoki: i have no intention of dying

Hibari: you have yoma powers huh

Everyone gasped

Hyoki: so that silent treatment you gave me second ago is you scanning me through that ability arcadians like you have called sharp sensor

Hibari: guilty as charge. Your able hide your power until your emotions on seeing your sister & alex gone through the roof

Hyoki: you pepto bismol

Hibari: i know you mean love

Yagyu pov:

Hyoki stared at hibari.

Hyoki: looks like the cats out of the bag. I was gonna show my sister powers i got from yoma but you found out just that fast. My plans are ruined

Hibari: uh huh

Mac: so what you're gonna do now?

Just that fast hibari punched the charging hyoki about to cut mac's head off. Safe for the soldiers Everyone didn't see it coming, all they see is hyoki tumbling a few fight.

Hibari: leo you're not ready to spar her. She's already a step ahead of you

Leo: very well

Hyoki: i know you're fast but i didn't think your THIS FAST.

Hibari: put your barrier on

She got out her beam saber.

Hyoki got hers out.

author pov:

Hyoki knew the barrier she will put up will not effect her. She's excited to fight hibari the held trillion ton power she achieved but doesn't achieved any sort of power.

Barrier is on. Now these two fight.

To be continued:


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