chapter 17:

13 1 0

Don't own anything

Just ocs

Author pov:

Lex outside the shinobi base looking at the horizon of the city. Holding his son in his arms sleeping. Tsubaki & other arc angels meeting with other units of u.d.f.

Mac: hey lex. Thank you for replacing

Lex: you're welcome. Its temporary contract huh

Mac: yeah

Lex: hyoki miki & maki are on the move. Two other yoma one of them shuri are back

Mac: were always ready

Raizo: so this is the human ace i been hearing about

Mac: raizo!?

Lex turns around meets raizo li the main leader of u.d.f. former shadow ops leader. Lex looks behind him his wife ku li talking to tsubaki.

Lex: oh... i didn't recognize you at first till i saw you're wife talking to my wife

Raizo: honor to meet you in person. Shinobi here didn't know you existed. You are the first one that is hard for me to track you done. Thanks to leo since she lives closer to you

Lex: its nice to meet you too raizo. Wasn't my plan to cover my tracks 😅😁

They shook hands. Lex gives his & tsubaki's son to karasu. She takes him home.

Raizo: sarrian war has already begun. These fighters you shoot down are from that said planet

Lex: their very highly trained. Why would hyoki send them here. Its the most stupidest thing ever

Mac: they're weren't prepared. Hyoki claims she learn outside alien military tactics or perhaps you're presense alone scares them

Lex: like you & him?

Raizo: sharp as always. So you wanna know hyoki's goal?

Lex: i am hired to fight with you. Report saying she harnest yoma powers. Who confirmed it?

Leo: we did

Zodaic team arrived.

Lex: i want answers

Leo: very well destroyer. Will tea suffice?


senran kagura: U.D.F. volume 3Where stories live. Discover now