chapter 22: singlelarity

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Don't own anything

Just ocs

Author pov:

Hyoki arrives forcing leo as usual not to be shinobi. Unfortunately for her toki ginrei & alex leo's fiance was here current member of zulu fireteam.

Hyoki has no yoma to control since there all sealed away. She still has gotten yoma powers by a little. Alex raised his eyebrow.

Alex: hey kenny

Kenny: yeah.

Alex: someone she knows is trying to get more yoma out of that seal in the arena


Toki: makes alot of sense

Jake comms: " we told asuka & yumi not to fight. Hyoki's subordinated surien is .... trying to get them blood spilled "

Alex: right. I heard about her. She's a misunderstanding character she isn't shinobi but hyoki used to-

Ginrei: i see

Hyoki: i will get that seal unlocked

Alex: here's what we gonna do. You are bullshit & A PROBLEM CHILD💢

Toki: i love you're fiance's blood boil. I love to see him how he can fight

Kenny Alex & toki goes full on force hyoki. Back at the arena soldiers are still aimed their guns on surien still.

Surien: i see. Stopping any conflict, that's universal defense front's job

Jake: so you wanted the giant yoma to come out?

Surien: yes. But gou countered my plan

Serenity: they got problems already at it is. Yoma is a bygone era now. I sensed this planet & magical world fuse very soon

Asuka pov:

I stared at her down (because of my super soldier enhanced make my taller my boobs & rear got bigger to match my hourglass body) she looks trouble.

Ozaki: so you want all shinobis not exist because of yoma?. I mean kinda makes sense. But it doesn't. If good shinobi does not exist. That allows evil shinobi & yoma to take over. We can see that. Nobody doesn't want us here having a shoot out. What if good & bad ninjas work together?. All you have to do is choose someone whose up for that roll

Jazmine: hmmm?

Surien: i think i know what you're talking about

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