chapter 1:

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Don't own anything

Just ocs:

Asuka pov:

(Something like this but different)

Some much has changed. After mahora attack few runs in here & there. Light faction is formed. Mostly by me & leo san.

Light faction offically alligned with u.d.f. energy pillars installed through out asakusa because earth has already begun imerging to mendus magicus. All magic we learn so far is all here. It doesn't effect our countries though.

World was unstable. Created by mage of the mage of the beginning then raizo li after that restore that world. People are already aware of magic.

Now we helped u.d.f. to countered magical threats & new threat called hannibal. But now senki shu is the biggest threat.

Things changed at the school i graduated. My grandfather passed away Kiriya is gone as well daidouji retired & start a new life with buck worthington. So i became a principle ikaruga became a teacher.

Katsuragi married to brick spicer. She settled down. Yagyu & lock still active, but not that often. So its just me hibari & ikaruga that are active.

A new team of hanzo academy. Called team Ayame.

There on the mission now with 106th independent fleet

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There on the mission now with 106th independent fleet. My jeiku kun & hibari is with them.

Timeskip author pov:

Team ayame came. Several 106th task forces standing around. Jake & hibari are there too.

Jake: we can see you

Ayame & her team showed up.

Ayame: hello senseis. So who's in charge?

?????: i am

Another jegan out of the suit sitting there chewing bubbled gum his large aa12X shotgun beside him.

James: LT gordon james

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James: LT gordon james. Jegan gugnir team 106th independent echo force. Sargent crosby isn't here so yeah

Ayame: team lets go in. Muramasa san scan for hostile threats

Murasame: oki doki

Jake: hibari & i will remain outside

Hibari felt a tremor. Her eyes glowed pink extra vision shown nothing. She kept to herself.

Jake knows something is up. For now their watching surroundings while the others went inside the building for intel.

To be continued:


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