chapter 9:

19 1 0

Don't own anything

Just ocs:

author pov:

(Something like this but different)

Aboard the large gunship.

(Bigger same height as the an 225 antonov)

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(Bigger same height as the an 225 antonov)

Jeff kazama:

i don't trust you

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i don't trust you. He trusts you but i do not

Sam: note it

Homura: fine by me

????: my friend's trust isn't the issure jegan sam carson & homura of crimson team. It's mine

Person revealed to be a kid. Name saito hiraga.


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Sam: saito hiraga

Homura: specialist of 106th independent fleet.

Saito: are you a hunter & your wife is rogue for a good or bad cause

Homura: its not the offical but its close enough

Saito: so you're hunting pilots of earth now?

Sam: not hunting but looking for a replacement for mac brolin. Lucas & wedge can only handle so much

Homura: were looking for him

Hologram showed human mercenary black ops ace lex hills aka destroyer

Saito: oh. You looking for a ghost story

Homura: 悪魔の犬 (devil dog)

Saito: wasn't aware of you looking for him

Sam: that's why i am sharing it with you. We are talking about trust after all

Homura pov:

Sam: question. You used to be trained by him & fought along side him during the insurrection remant attack on kikaa island that ended up having a hole on that till it was sealed up. Other u.d.f. personell feared him nickname chaos. That a insult or a compliment?

Saito looks back jeff & other units. Hiraga looks at sam & me

Saito: insult yes. That nickname means his presence alone will give senki shu bad fortune. Cause the enemy to faulter. I still look up to him as a close friend. Feeling is mutual

Homura: airman & spaceman bond. Quite similar to me as a shinobi

Pilot: " saito jeff sargent crossby. Were near the target "


open it up

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open it up. 106 lets go. Yuyaki & her team needs our help

Saito: what do you call him jegan sam & Homura

Sam: not following you

Saito: i meant is why do you need him?. Have you heard he's married with a lead singer of ARC angels. Him & shinobi rock group hadn't been active during fubuki's scheme, attack on mahora & everything else that came after that

Homura: we want to ask him to take mac's place like we said earlier. I know its kinda not true

Saito: lex suffered a condition from all the flying in the stratosphere. Body couldn't handle stress despite of his younger. Radiation ravaged & poison his body. As a former black ops on ground he can pretty put jake out of misery

Homura: we have a cure

Saito: heh. I admired you're job. Lex is chill type a guy. I trusted him to be in you're care

To be continued:


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