chapter 18:

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Don't own anything

Lex pov:

(Theme starts playing in the background)

So the place they built for shinobi matches to sharpen their skills & training is the gateway to another world. Who in the right minds to built such a place.

Raizo: sealed of kika island has solved the problem. Now we gotta different problem. Hyoki contact sarrian military elite covert unit to bomb the place to bits so hyoki miki & maki to opened up that seal.

Jake: so little shop of horrors will come out

Lex: we gotta increase security. I don't give a damn about-

Raizo: i'm aware of that. You must understand since the 60 year war that ended back in 2002. Our forces are exhausted, it took almost 40 years to recover up till sarris civil war started we recover in time. Earth is not much of a gracious back war planet i made sure they keep their mouths shut & accept for what it is since i became the main leader of u.d.f.

Raze: why build an arena in the first place honey?. Summoned yoma is the last thing someone should wanna do

Lung: what is you're arena really made?

Kafuru: i can tell you lung sama. Basically that place is being used to control where the yoma get drawn out

Raizo: that means

Ku li: the more you guys fight the more blood will drawn aru

Raizo: when did you get here?

Ku li: just now dear

Jazmine: that's correct. As expected of you kafuru, very perceptive

Author pov:

Jake growled silently asuka sweatdropped knowing her husband is getting mad.

Sam: there's hasn't been a yoma for a least a decade

Homura: so that's why it's been peaceful for so long

Ikaruga: kept it closed off for a long time from the sounds of it

Jake: you're telling us this now💢

Asuka: ah shit

Jake points his dmr to her face.

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