Chapter 23:

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Don't own anything

Just ocs

Author pov:

(Theme starts playing in the background)

Jake asuka yumi ozaki & serenity vs surien. Serenity using her power apply barriers around the 4 so no blood shed can be spilled on the ground.

Surien's research is ruined only option is to fight. She kicked asuka & yumi punched ozaki sending him flying into a all. She sidestepped avoided gunfire she jumped in a slow motion 6.9 feet tall super enchanced asuka (ooc) appeared next to her & knee her in the stomach.

(3:26 - 3:27 only)

She grunted. Another sword swing about to cut her head off by princess serenity herself, she knew she'd lost & teleported before sword hits the ground but stopped mere inches.

Theme ends:

Ozaki & jake tug her long twin tailed hair.

Asuka: your Highness you okay?

Serenity: i'm okay ow .. ow

Jake/ozaki unison: sorry

They let her go she unsummoned her sword straighten her dress up.

Serenity: trent my love warned me about not fight in this dress

Jake: surien left

Ozaki: she's was trying to have us fight her so she can draw blood on us. Having serenity to slam her sword to the ground releasing little of horros

Jake: reversed psychology will not work on me

Serenity: well i must be going. I'll leave this to you hands shinobi of light

Asuka: thanks for visiting on earth

Asuka & serenity shook hands. Moon princess teleports back to the moon kingdom of the silver millennium.

Fubuki: she's incredible. I met many beings back then such as raizo li & rourke lang. She has the power reshape universes on a whim

Jazmine: jake san. That scroll, did my husband gave that to you?

Asuka: what scroll?

Jake: the same scroll that dogen wanted to get. Yes scroll containing many secrets. Is the same scroll the day i announced my membership to hanzo team number 6

Asuka pov:


Jake: believe me. I wasn't a fan of it considering that anybody besides dogen who will get corrupt by if it used in the wrong hands. Idk if my heart was pure. As it turns out my heart pure. For many years i have forgiven myself many times over because i killed many enemy soldiers never once i commit any war crimes. It accepted me gave me a tenshin uniform all the knowledge that it contain combine my knowledge entirely new

Yumi: amazing. You carry it on you're core beliefs

Asuka: one of the main things i ended up marrying you 💗

She kissed him

Jake: thanks honey. Let's not chase her down. Let's not chase after her


Hyoki lost to leo ginrei kenneth & alex. Surien arrives & led hyoki safely away.


Surien: she was. Before she only arrive to meet light faction & u.d.f. allies

Hyoki: so the seal is extremely protected

Surien: i need more research. Excuse me

Hyoki: geez .... she's such a caring woman. Totally different from onee-sama.

Hyoki sensed gate port rupture looking at the sky can see rips in the skies

Hyoki: that soon huh

Ryoki looking up from drinking her tea. Sensed it as well. She frowned.


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