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Ben laid in bed feeling like he was on cloud nine. Of course he felt nervous about this whole thing but he was close to getting Miranda Bailey back. He didn't know he wanted her back so bad. Last night kissing at her front door he wanted nothing more than to push her into her home and have his way with her. 15 years without Miranda and suddenly having his lips pressed to her sent a desire through his body he wasn't aware he had. In fact as he slept he found himself dreaming about stripping Miranda from her black dress. Paying attention her body leaving no inch untouched by him.
For the first time in years that he could recall Ben woke up with morning wood.

He took a cold shower to extinguish the burning desire in him. He got dressed in slacks and a dress shirt and tied his tie. He walked out of his room and Jamin was sitting on the couch in their suite eating cereal

"Ready" He looked at his son

"Yup" He finished up his cereal and grabbed his phone

"Alright" Ben grabbed his keys and they headed out to the car. The arrived at the conference and Ben got ready for his lecture. His son happily sat up front. He took notes as his father talked. Today had a fresh feel both of them noted. And at GreySloan that fresh feel about Miranda wasn't missed.

"Bailey you seem happy" Richard looked at her as she walked by

"It's a great day" She smiled

"Oh" He raised an eyebrow

"Bailey" Maggie came up"you are beaming with joy" she laughed

"It's a great day Pierce" She laughed

"Chief B" Jamin walked up and gave her a hug

"Jay-man" She smiled "how was the lecture"

"Dad rocked it" He smiled "and he wasn't interrupted this time"

"And where is he now" Miranda asked

"Talking with Dr. Avery" He looked at Richard and Maggie trying to remember their names
"Hello Dr. Webber and Dr. Pierce"

"Hello there young man" Richard nodded

"You're the chief's intern. I heard so much about you" Maggie laughed

"And you're the cardio child prodigy"

"Is that what they call me" Maggie chuckled

"Something like that" He smiled

"You here to work" Richard asked

"Lunch date" He smiled

"Hey you found her" Ben walked up to them "ready for lunch"
"Richard. Uhh Head of Cardio" He smiled

"Maggie Pierce" She shook his hand

"So which Ben is your date" Richard looked at Miranda.

"Still deciding which one I like more" She laughed

"I think Im winning" Jamin winked

"So lunch is on you" Ben looked at his son

"Well you're the one with the buckets of money. Right Dr.Bailey"

"You told him how we met didn't you" Bailey laughed

"He was curious" He laughed

"Can we head to lunch now" Jamin rubbed his stomach

"Chief are you ready" Ben smiled

"Richard did you need something"

"No, enjoy yourself" He smiled. He wondered when this happened. And what exactly was happening. Ben's presence caused her to lock herself in her office and now she's going to a lunch date with him. He watched as they walked away.

"So there's this sandwich shop I want to try" Jamin smiled as they walked down the sidewalk. Since it was a nice day they decided to walk to go get lunch.

"I haven't left the hospital for lunch in years" She smiled

"Time for new things right" Ben kissed her hand

"Right" She blushed

"I'm glad I brought you two together. Dad I've never seen you so happy" Jamin pressed the button to the cross walk

"Not even with your wife" She looked at Ben. Her kind of broke for his ex. She probably loved Ben so much and here was deeply in love with her all this time

"Hey don't think about the past too much" He placed his hands on the sides of her head and brought her lips to his

"Time to walk" Jamin interrupted their kiss

"Hey you wanted this" Ben teased him

They walked into the sandwich shop ordered their food, once they got it they sat down

"This is delicious" He smiled

"How'd you find out about this spot" Ben asked

"I talked to people at the conference about Seattle"

"Has he seen the space needle yet" Miranda asked

"Not yet, we're going this weekend. Want to come" He smiled

"Well I'm sure you want to spend some time alone with your father"

"Are you kidding me. I want to spend time with you and my father. Just warn me if you guys are going to kiss" He laughed "I like spending time with you both"

"Well remember tonight you're on your own" Ben looked at his son

"Yeah that's okay. I'm going to talk to mom all night probably"

"Does he have a curfew Mr.Warren" Miranda looked at Jamin

"Try to have him back by tomorrow. He has another lecture" Jamin laughed

"You know I should have a word with those organizers. None of my surgeons were invited to speak"

"Jealous" Ben teased

"Nope, because then maybe I wouldn't have met such a handsome young man" She smiled "Right Jay-man"

"Absolutely right Chief B" They did their handshake

They finished up their lunch and walked back to the hospital.

"Enjoy your day, we're heading back to the conference" Ben smiled

"Alright take lots of notes Jay-man" She hugged him

"Sure thing" He nodded

"Should I take notes too" Ben wrapped his arms around Miranda

"Yeah sure" She smirked

"I think you're using me for my son"He laughed

"But you don't mind"She gave him a peck on the lips and walked inside

"Gosh it's like you two never missed a beat" Jamin cringed. He was happy for his dad but those two are kind of sickening

Miranda walked back into the hospital and happily went about her work. She did a few surgeries and did some paperwork.

"I see you worked through your Ben trigger" Richard approached Miranda

"Sir" She cleared her throat

"I'm happy for you Bailey but just a few days ago just the sight of him caused you great distress"

"We had a discussion. Tonight we are going to have another conversation. My therapist says don't withhold my thoughts so that's what I'm doing" She nodded

"That's good" He nodded "Just as long as you're happy. Glad to hear you're taking your treatment so seriously"

"I have a mental illness and that's okay. It can be managed" She nodded "I realized that I messed up with Ben. so I want to explain to him what was going on in my mind"

"Well good luck" He winked

She left the hospital and headed home. She straightened up her house a bit and started cooking dinner. She wanted everything to be perfect for tonight. Once the food was ready, she went and got herself ready. She showered and got dressed in a skirt and blouse. For a brief moment she thought this was too much but the ring of the doorbell took her out of her thoughts.

She took a deep breath and opened the door to her future

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