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"Doc's office is cool" Joey laid out on her couch. The boys came with work to her today but when she went into surgery they opted to hang in her office

"I bet she's had Ben on that couch" Tuck stood by the door still seething about this morning

"What's the issue Tuck" Joey sat up

"You don't know mom like I do Joey. She's been in a dark place for years and then here comes Ben Warren out of the thin blue air and she's suddenly all merry and bright but he was wearing a wedding ring. I know you saw it"

"What you jealous? You used to be the only one to make her smile that bright and now someone else is" He laughed "You got some weird mommy issues I don't know about or something Tucky"

"Joey the wedding ring means he is married"

"You are jumping to conclusions, Doc wouldn't have sex with a married man. You think she would" 

"No I'm just saying if this guy hurts my mom I'll kill him"

"Yeah right debate boy" Joey laughed "You're not hard like that"

"Fine then you'll kill him"

"Me maybe but I don't think this guy is going to hurt Doc"

"Hey Chief B" Jamin walked into her office but paused when he saw Tuck and Joey " Oh where's Chief B"

"Surgery, who are you" Tuck asked

"You're Tuck" Jamin smiled "Hi I'm Jamin Ben's son"

"Sup I'm Joey" Joey waved

"Ben's son" Tuck stared at him. Dude is married with a son and yet he was in his mother's bed last night. The nerve of that guy. 

"Yep I'm 13 but I'll be 14 in a few days"

"No way dude what are you doing for your birthday" Joey smiled

"Chief B and my dad are taking me to the space needle"

"My mom is going too" Tuck looked at him

"Yeah, you guys gonna be in town. You should come" He smiled "Since our parents are dating"

"Aww Tuck you got a little brother" Joey laughed

"Wow is this Chief Bailey's office or a frat party" Amelia walked in

"Mom's in surgery"Tuck looked at her

"Dr.Shepard" Jamin smiled

"The kid Bailey's been having shadow her right" Amelia looked at him

"Yup that's me" Jamin shook her hand

"I've heard amazing things about you" She smiled "Well I'll come back when she's out. Enjoy your frat party" She left

"So Jamin where ya'll from" Joey asked

"My dad is from here but we live in L.A"

"As in California" Tuck looked at him

"Yes Tuck L.A. is in California" Joey joked "Man Doc's money is getting put to good use paying your tuition"

"I mean how are they dating if you guys are going back to California" Tuck crossed his arms. Ben was probably going back to his wife once he is done here in Seattle.

"The kid doesn't know Tuck leave him alone" Joey stood up "So Jamin how you liking Seattle"

"It's pretty amazing" He smiled "I really like it here. I hope we stay"

"Does he have plans to stay" Tuck asked

"Stop asking him grown folk questions" Joey shook his head

"He's 14 not 4" Tuck retorted. He wanted to question the boy's father but he wasn't here at the moment

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