Chapter 301: Divine Immortal Soldier

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"Li Chengqian, didn't you say that you wanted to introduce me to high-tech products? Where are your high-tech products?" After entering the room, Lin Tian looked at the empty factory and was a little puzzled.

"That's right. I asked you about the flying car just now. You asked me to wait till we got to the exhibition hall. Now that we're here, there's nothing in your exhibition hall. What do you want us to see?" Wang Kui looked around. The huge factory building was empty. Other than the walls of the factory building, there was nothing else to see. He was also very puzzled.

Academician Lin Qu, Dai Liming, Qian Fumin, the Provincial Governor of Jinshan Province, his deputy, and the two key officials of Tianyi City followed in.

The high-level security guards also followed them in.

The others weren't allowed to enter the exhibition hall because of confidentiality concerns.

Everyone looked around the factory curiously. They had thought that they would see technology that was even more shocking than flying cars, but there was nothing around.

"What is Li Chengqian doing? Doesn't he know the consequences of deceiving Leader Tian and Leader Wang?"

"How dare Li Chengqian fool them!"

"He invited us here to view high-tech products? Is he asking us to look at the air?"

Although no one said anything, strange thoughts came to their minds.

"Please don't be anxious, my dear Leaders!" Li Chengqian wasn't in a hurry. He tapped his watch confidently.

"The good stuff is all in the exhibition hall. Just to be safe, I used the most advanced invisible paint to make the things in the exhibition hall invisible. Although they are all here, we can't see them," Li Chengqian said briefly.

"What?" Lin Tian thought he had heard wrongly.

"What did you say? Invisibility?" Wang Kui looked at Li Chengqian in disbelief. Invisibility was simply a divine skill for the military.

The military had been working hard in this area of scientific research, but they hadn't made any progress.

At this moment, on the left, near the wall in front of every one, 300 first-generation humanoid robots suddenly appeared. The robots stood in an orderly formation, facing Li Chengqian and Lin Tian.

This sudden scene stunned everyone. Even Lin Tian and Wang Kui were shocked by the sudden appearance of the densely packed robots.

The eyes of many people behind Lin Tian and Wang Kui were filled with disbelief.

"Hiss... Oh my god!"

"Where did these robots come from?"

"Why did such a large group of robots suddenly appear? It's unbelievable."

"This is simply like magic." Everyone's faces were filled with shock.

"Hello Leaders!" Immediately, an orderly voice came from the robot team. There was no emotion in the voice. It was an electronically synthesized voice, but it sounded at the same time. It was extremely impressive and shocking.

"Show the Leaders your abilities... Running, weight lifting, climbing, repairing, and fighting!" Li Chengqian continued to speak.

"Yes! The first task is to run!" After the robot replied, the team began to run in an orderly manner. They were very fast. In the blink of an eye, they ran around the hall and returned to their original spots.

"Second, weight lifting!" The ten robots immediately formed groups of ten. One robot raised ten robots with both arms and ran along the same route as before. Their speed was also very fast.

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