"that's what I wanted to say" Ace replied while walking towards lisa and grabbed her hand dragging her slowly towards the dinning table making her sit in near chair by his.
"She couldn't sit there that's nacho's seat and also we don't have more additional dinning chair so I'll order maids to serve her food in her guest room" said the evil stepmom.
"Why don't you and your daughter just get the hell out of her so we can have more seats" said ace's mom.
"Honey didn't you listen what she said? How rude she is to me." Said evil stepmom while walking towards her husband.
"Yeah yeah your words are the only sweet thing I have ever seen" replied ace's mom.
Meanwhile they are fighting verbally, nacho took the seat where ace dragged lisa to and started serving himself. Ace's dad also gusture servent to serve the food and they shouted that made lisa flinch "ENOUGH!"
Everyone took there seat exept ace and lisa that's when nacho said.
"There is an old culture where the new bride have to sit on her husband's lap and the couple eat their meal in one plate at their first family dinner. Why don't we follow that Mrs. King" said nacho looking towards ace's mom and then winked at lisa.
"Ummm I ..........." She was about to say something in defend but was pulled on his lap and servent started serving them.
They got some white sauce pasta, speghetti and lasagna in there plate.
Lisa excitedly to taste the food took a near by fork but it was too big for her hand but it got exchanged by ace and he gave her a small one.
Lisa took first bite on white sauce pasta and it almost made her puke. It is literally just milk, butter, salt and pasta, no spices. She found a small sprinkler on which origano was written so she took it and started garnishing food with it till her mood say it's enough.
She was about to take a bite when she realised that she is not the only one eating on this plate and he is the one who hate spices. So she pour more plain pasta so he could eat that too.
Her small gusture of care made him smile and that smile didn't get unnoticed by others. And the most shocked was his father who saw his child smiling truly after since his second marriage.
After having food ace and lisa left home after biding goodbye to Ace's mother. The car was running fast on the clear road in between the forest.
But suddenly with a jerk car stopped, making lisa fell from her seat as her seat belt was too big for her.
Ace run to the other side of car to check if she is ok and she nodded and sit on the seat. Ace open the front of engine to see smoke coming out of it.
"It's look like your car is a smoke addict. He needs to be hospitalized." Said lisa coming out laughing like she cracked a laughable joke.
"Ha ha ha so funny" he replied while checking his phone to connect his men but there was no signal. He sighs and walk towards her and said "do you know how to hunt an animal?"
"No but why" she asked.
"Because nowadays Italian Wolf's are really popular and they came anywhere to meet their fans" he said while checking something on his phone. That's when a thunderstorm sparked making lisa scared. She immediately glued herself to Ace.
Ace laughed at her gusture and said "how stupid of me thinking you can hunt or protect yourself when you're scared of this"
"Okay so you go your way I go my way" said she stomping her feet and turning around walking way opposite.
That's when he lifted her in his arms and said"baby it's not time to play we're in middle of forest and it's almost about to rain to let's play your and my way under a shelter..." That's when dripping started and he run under the tree with her in hands.
He put her down and removed her coat only to it on her head to cover it from rain because he knows it's already so cold weather for her and if she got wet she'll catch cold.
His gusture made her heart skip a beat that he really care so much for her.
She was looking around that's when she saw a cottage little away from them. She informed him and they started run towards it that's when lisa grabbed a corner of the coat and covered his head to to prevent it getting wet from rain.
After walking a while they reached the cottage. It was pretty old and barely they can say if someone visits here. They called if anyone is there and a lady in her mid 40s come out.
She was scanning both of us and we were looking at each other to decide who will talk to her.
I eyed him 'you are the native here so you should talk to her she'll understand'
"Are you both mute?"
'look she knows English now talk to her' he gave lisa this look.
"Well it's raining outside so we need shelter here for few hours and can you contact any mechanic if he can fix our car too please" lisa said at last.
"Sorry we don't allowed bachelor here. That to a solo male and female is prohibited. Last time it created a huge trouble"said the lady eyeing ace at the back who was looking outside from the door.
"But we're married" lisa replied.
"You married to him?. He look like a native here and you......um...asian?" She said more like asking
'does she doubt why he marry me?'
"Yes we are"
"Who is there honey?" A sound came out from the back and a man of age 50s came out with a newspaper in his hand.
"Honey just some batchelor pretending to be married" said the lady eyeing me.
"OMG Mr. king"
Vote comment share Date 23 Dec'23

General FictionUnlucky in the game of love Steal the heart of Italy "Please don't do this to them, please," I said, begging for the first time in my life. "What wrong they did to you?" "Please leave them, please" "Hey love, listen, relax. Ok, I gonna leave them f...