Chapter 1

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Not cannon-My own twist on stuff


















(Breif backstory! Just like my mind of neo story, the whole of secret life is being filmed by multiple cameras and broadcasted on live television to the districts that they live in. Think hunger games but this is more volenteer work. No one dies for good. When your series ends you go back to your home district until the next series comes up and you volenteer to be in it. Hermitcraft, Empires, lifesteal, ratsmp, Dsmp, origins, randomizer royal ect-
The "Capatol" of this is the watchers)

The moon hurt, it never used to do that. It felt tingly, almost as if it was slowly singeing his skin. But nevertheless, he had to keep moving. He had to get to saftey, or at least a place where he could feel safe.

He was used to the sun hurting him, in other games he was a vampire. The sun scorched and burned but it never felt like this. The moon almost felt like hot metal but at the same time it was almost like a phantom pain...

His legs were tired, his body weak, his skin pail-all he needed to do was sleep. Close his eyes and rest. But he couldn't, and he knew that. Second he dropped his guard he'd be done for. Turned into one of those creatures...a Zombie.

He needed to find someone who would keep him safe. Cleo was his biggest option out of eveyone. She was uninfected, a strong fighter, people feared her and she was extremely loyal to those she liked. Being on a mutual team was one of the best choices Scott had ever made in the early stages of secret life. It was one of the only things he didn't regret so far.

But Skizz...poor poor Skizz. The two hadn't interacted much this season, of well an season of the life games yet he knew he could trust him. Skizzleman had a certain way of "dealing" with each player. He liked to think he had better pacients when dealing with Cleo and Grian. Which he did-

His sword hung low, dragging against the soil as his strength could barely lift it. 'Who knew hunger could effect you so much' he thought to himself. In the distance he could hear the loud booming of a failed task.

Someone alive had failed their task

Someone alive had failed-

Someone alive-


Scott began to pick up his speed, he had to get to the secret keeper now. Whoever had just failed a task was alive and uninfected. Someone who could hold him in a hug, give him food, protect him. Someone, anyone. Fuck it he'd even go for a red name.

He just needed someone, anyone to talk to him and not try to throttle him again.

The secret keeper had been in eyesight for the past 4ish minuets, more so in the distance but now Scott had picked up speed, it was closer.

He could see the red particles spout out from the secret keeper. "Hey!" he yelled, immediately covering his mouth as he glanced around for any of the infected.

None of them were close by luckily, or at least none of what he could see. He dragged his feet across the ground as the figure at the keeper turned their head and waved a hand

"Scott! Is that you?"

The voice was high-pitched so meaning it was one of the ladies. Couldn't have been Gem or pearl as they were both out for the kill. Cleo or Lizzie?

Scott waved back and rubbed his eyes, walking closer "Hey Lizzie" he yawned "How are you doing, being a red name and all?" he smiled.

"I'm doing well, Martyn, Mumbo and I have been hanging around my base since we don't have much to acctually do" she crossed her arms and glanced at the secret keeper "I mean I've just failed my yellow task because I want to do a red one"

Lizzy died around 35 minuets ago due to fall damage. Her and Joel were messing about and she fell off a cliff. Luckily the zombies hadn't been able to kill her as Gem hadn't killed anyone yet.

Scott nodded, smiling softly "Can...I stay with you for a little bit? I'm exaughsted and I'm hungry and I just-" he let a sigh fall from his lips.

Lizzie took pity on him and placed her hand on his shoulder. He didn't squeeze it, just rested it. She had long pink, spikey nails with dabs of silver glitter over them "you're always free to stay with me Scott. As you at least apologised and gave me gift after not coming to my birthday party"

Her words were laced with irritation yet somehow also had a tint of softness and laugher to it. "Now I can't promise your saftey, we both know how Joel can be, and if any zombies come our way...i might have to love you and leave you"

The cyan haired make nodded, knowing full well that even though he was going to 'saftey' he wouldn't be 100% safe. Even with Lizzie he might not be overly safe. "Well if I die...lets hope its on camera" he hummed, tilting his head to look forward at the drone that followed them.

He waved, giving a snarky smiled before Lizzie moved her hand to wrap around his wrist "Shall we?"

"We shall"

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