Arc 1, Chapter 9: Whither Away.

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Nickel was screaming, his eyes shut very tightly as blood continued to pour down his face from his eyes. His eyes felt like someone was stabbing them. The blood began to mix with tears of pain. As blood also began to drip from his mouth.

Balloon was on the verge of tears again, he was desperately trying to help Nickel. He couldn't lose the one person in this world who finally cared... He just couldn't. "I-I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! PLEASE... PLEASE SOMEONE— ANYONE HELP HIM...!" He screamed and once again tried everything in his power to stop the blood from coming.

Eventually, the screaming died down. The blood was dripping down his face at a less rapid rate, but it was still concerning nonetheless.

Nickel was breathing quickly. His breath was very shaky as he struggled to ground himself after the pain he just experienced. He didn't even understand how he hadn't bled to death.

Balloon was covered in the blood. And he had started crying.

But Nickel couldn't see that. Everything was... So blurry... and it hurt to keep his eyes open. All of his body felt like it was on fire. "W-Wh... What happened...?" He groaned in nearly a whisper.

Balloon continued to wipe the blood and tears off his face. "I—I don't know...! Y-you said you saw a card... A-and... You started screaming... and Bleeding! You're still bleeding..." he choked out through his sobs.

"A-are you crying...?" He asked quietly.

"Y-yeah! Of course! I-I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO FUCKING DIE!" He cried. Tears spilling faster down his face, he hugged the other boy again. "God! Don't do that to me y-you asshole...!" He choked out again.

"Oh yeah... I should've known the random glowing card would cause me to bleed profusely from my eyes and mouth... I'll make sure to warn you next time too. Heheh..." He muttered in a joking sarcastic tone.

"YOU BETTER! GOD... I don't know what I would do if you died on me..." Balloon took a shaky breath. "I don't think I could live with myself if you died..."

"Balloon... Don't say that..." He frowned as he coughed up a little bit of blood.

Balloon flinched and looked at him in his squinting, bloody eyes. He wiped off the blood and tears again. "I'm being serious..."

"That's what worries me..." Nickel sighed.



"I forgive you... By the way..." Balloon informed in a soft tone.

Nickel flinched slightly, before he shut his eyes to ease the pain. "B-Balloon... I understood you're a kind person... But that's the sympathy talking I—!"

"No! Nickel, I'm being serious..." He said sternly. "I forgive you. I think that everyone deserves a second chance. And now that you've given me one... We can start our second chances together. Okay?" Balloon had a kind look in his eyes. Nickel couldn't see it, but he could tell from the way Balloon was holding him.

Nickel's brain tried to spiral and overthink things as usual. To wander away and block out everyone. But... All he really wanted to do, was see the other boy's face. Even if it was blurry. And so he opened his eyes, even though it hurt him. And he smiled softly. "Alright then..." he chuckled.

Balloon smiled back, and laughed a little.

The two boy's flinched at the door as they heard it open.

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