Arc 3, Chapter 55: A Change in Circumstance.

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Paintbrush dove after Lightbulb, their flame brightened and their eyes flickered in similarity to the fire atop their head. The burning feeling pulsed through them and scalded their skin s markings burnt into their wooden body. They kept their eyes locked firmly on Lightbulb, who was falling faster due to her now increased wing size. A ribbon like accessory shimmered around her neck, it was massive! And a pearly white colour. Markings decorated her face and inside of her glass.

Baxter swooped down scooping up Lightbulb then returning up for Paintbrush. Paintbrush landed with a thud atop Baxter's back. They grunt and hold on tightly to Baxter's scales. The Dragon had many more marking across its body, Baxter also seemed much larger than he did Prior.

Lightbulb was totally out of it from the pain and combined lack of oxygen the sky had. She was probably over excited and took in too much of the thin air with her accelerated breath. Paintbrush scooted over to Lightbulb and checked her over. She seemed fine— just a bit sore.

Lightbulb groaned and lifted her head awkwardly to look up and Paintbrush. "Heya Painty...." She muttered groggily. "Wazzup?" She sat up nearly falling.

Paintbrush caught her and grabbed her face to get her attention. "What the hell is going on Lightbulb?!" They asked with worry and a bit of annoyance.

Lightbulb shrugged carelessly. "I dunno— agghh... My freakin back!" She whined, rubbing her moderately sized wings. "Man... That's no fun..."

Paintbrush sighed, and rubbed their eyelids before looking at the ground rushing past bellow. They nervously watched the world bellow that seemed almost what you would find in a fantasy book rush past. Their eyes flickered with astonishment, and their fire went from purple to white. The white flame danced with hope and curiosity. "Woah..."

"What? Whatsa matter...?" She looked over the edge and she literally lit up in surprise. "WOAH! Is this like— one of this cartoons or somethin?! That's sick!" She laughed.

Paintbrush chuckled and shook their head. "Where are we... This place is— kind of cool..." They muttered, and then sat back up, turning their head and catching sight of something in the clouds on the horizon. Paintbrush scooted towards Baxter's head and looked forwards. "What's that?" They pointed forwards.

Lightbulb tore her eyes away from the colourful trees and oversized mushrooms bellow. "Huh?" She tried to stand up ON BAXTER'S BACK. And walk over, but stumbled a few times before she plopped back onto her butt to look. She squinted her eyes and used her hand to shield the overhead light from the sunset. "It kinda looks like a city..." she whispered.

"I think so too—..." They mutter squinting their eyes to get a better look. Shock soon seeped into their mind as they witnessed the massive city resting atop a floating island that was buried in the clouds. "—Oh...My....God...." Their mouth fell agape.

Lightbulb cheered and patted Baxter's side. "Go on boy! To the city!!!" She exclaimed with excitement.

Paintbrush flinched and turned their gaze to Lightbulb. "What if they aren't friendly?! Lightbulb— I don't think we're in— uh... Objectica anymore..." Paintbrush muttered.

"I know that much Painty! But it's better to try than do nothin!" She smiled, turning her head to Paintbrush, then grabbing their hand with an excited grin. "Besides! We're doin it together!"

Paintbrush felt their face flush, they quickly shook it out of their face and looked off to the side. "E-er— Yeah! Ahah..." they smile to themself.

Lightbulb gave their hand a comforting squeeze and turned back to face the city ahead, determined embedded in her face.

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