Arc 2, Chapter 28: "Hold me..."

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"P-please d-don't go..."

"I won't.... okay? I'm not going anywhere..."

Nickel sat in the arms of Balloon, and felt him softly wipe his tears, and stroke his head. His touch full of comfort and love, Nickel didn't want him to leave. He didn't want to be alone. The amount trust he was putting in Balloon to not leave... To not hurt him... He was desperate for him to stay.

Nickel couldn't stop his memories. It was like he was being dragged down a river full of rapids, he was being thrashed around, and the rocks he had been thrown into were pieces of his past... He needed a raft, or he was going to die.

Balloon used his gentle hands to turn his head up at him. He had a sympathetic smile. His gaze was so soft it nearly melted Nickel's heart...

"It hurts..." Nickel choked out, his voice sounded weak and was so quiet. His pain was evident in his tone.

"Just... focus on my voice alright...? And then, focus on something you can feel..." Balloon wrapped his wings around Nickel and continued to stroke Nickel's head. He then began to him a gentle tune, one his own parents sang to him when he was sad.

Nickel shut his eyes, and let his tears fall down his face. He did as Balloon asked, he listened to the song Balloon was humming. He felt... The feathers... The soft feather against his metal body. It felt nice, like a blanket. The song was, so nice... And the feathers made his tears stop coming. That's when he realized... Balloon...

He was his raft...

The one keeping him above water.

"Hold me..." He whispered softly into Balloon's chest, he felt Balloon's grip on him grow tighter. "Please don't let go..."

Balloon wiped his tears once again. "I promise... I won't..." He reassured in a small voice.

Nickel slowly melted, Balloon was like a pillow... His wings were like a blanket, a warm blanket. His touch was so loving against his head, and the slow ruse and fall that came with his breathing was comforting. He was focused on Balloon, and only Balloon.

His breathing slowed, his hyperventilating from his sobs calmed as Nickel relaxed his body.

Balloon held the smaller boy tightly. He promised he wouldn't let go, and he would not break that promise. Balloon let Nickel rest in his arms, and gave him comfort in his time of need. Nickel needed this right now, and he was going to provide it.

He continued to hum the song.


Earring mindlessly drew on the piece of Paper that was given to her. She drew, and looked at the two girls next to her. She watched as the Apple and Bow, who were finished drawing, chat as Bow braided a vine she had used her powers to grow out from Apple's leaves and stem.

Earring was impressed with the powers. She mindlessly continued her drawing. She wished she had freedoms to draw what she wanted back home. She didn't want to draw the 'stereotypical' things girls 'had' to draw. She wanted to draw whatever she wanted. She always thought the stereotypes were stupid.

She decided to get up and go explore. Away from people... She felt bad she couldn't be herself. She felt bad that it was unacceptable to be who she was. She slipped out of the room and into the lobby. She saw the kitchen and heard the echoes of people chatting, but, didn't feel too hungry, so she walked towards what seemed to be the living room.

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