Arc 2, Chapter 34: Destruction of a Person.

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It truly was never meant to be like this.

Our misfortune creates who we are today.

But a person can only take so much.


They'll snap.

Like a twig.

Hold on a little longer child.

Just a little longer.


Cobs left the room and slammed the door shut. The slamming of the door echoed throughout the hallway. He walked down the hallway with a smile, and towards the room Fan had been training in. He opened the door to the dusty, destroyed room. With the wave of his hand, the walls were filled back in with a cluster of darkness. He scanned his eyes around the room, his glasses flickered in the dim light.

Fan was nowhere to be seen. He sighed angrily, and placed his hands behind his back. Where could he have gone? He didn't sense Fan's presence anywhere around here. Which was trouble some. He walked down the hallway again. He stopped in front of the door that was filled to the brim with the shadow like creatures.

He opened the door and entered. Some of them were scrapping and fighting with each other. The smarter ones fighting verbally, and the more animalistic creatures scrapping and tussling.

He watched this for a few moments before growing annoyed. "ENOUGH." He bellowed. Which caused the room to freeze. And all of the creatures slumped back. The faint sound of glitching filled Cob's ears and he sighed. "I expect you all to guard the prisoner... And NOT scrap like dogs." Cobs snarled.

The leader of his army stepped, or, jumped forward. "Yes of course." The spring answered as its corrupted body glitched and distorted.

Cobs nodded and left. Down the hall into the main room. The door shut behind him. He stood in the main part of the Meeple before teleporting to the hitel, or at least near it. Where he presumed Fan left to. Like a fool.

Balloon was shaking violently. His face soaked with tears, he was hurting... It hurt. He hurt. He hated this. He wanted to leave. Why him? Who gave him these powers?! Who doomed him to this fate? Why was his life so horrible? The only good things in his life seemed to have been ripped away from him in an instant. He was going to be here forever wasn't he?

He cried harder. He'd do anything to go back in time. To just... Never join the show. Hell... He'd do anything to go back and never take that stupid train.

None of his life would be this horrible. He could be a happy, normal kid. Going to high school with a proper education. With actual friends. He could be happy.

If he had never got on that stupid train...


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