Arc 3, Chapter 60: The Light Above.

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Lightbulb slept soundly, her head rested comfortably. The blankets were surprisingly comfy, she was surprised by the hospitality of such an inn. The velvet was comforting against her skin, metal, and glass. Her wings shifted comfortably beneath her.

Birds sang a morning song, and objects began to pour out of their homes onto the bustling streets of the city outside. Lightbulb wanted to sleep a little longer, but her mind wandered too far for her to drift off again. So she just kept her eyes closed...

Paintbrush was frozen like a dear in headlights. Their face brighter than a tomato as they slowly came to the realization Lightbulb was clinging onto them like a pillow. They wouldn't have been surprised if it turned out Lightbulb actually didn't notice they weren't a pillow.

They didn't know what to do. They were too scared to move. The blankets were half off of their body and their arm was definitely going numb. They also really... Didn't want to wake Lightbulb.

Why did I have to let her share a bed...

They silently sigh to themselves. Which seemed to cause movement on their chest. Paintbrush looked down and flinched as the saw Lightbulb staring up at them.

"U-uh—! Good morning u-Uhm...!" They didn't know what to say or do in this situation. What this meant... If she was trying to do be romantic, cuddly— or was just being Lightbulb.

Lightbulb yawned, and stretched out, before resting her head back in Paintbrush's chest with a sigh. She pondered a few things before glancing out at the window which was covered by a curtain, only a slim section of light able to peek through. "Good morning." She muttered, rather blankly for her normal goofy demeanour.

Paintbrush took not of course and remained still as a statue for the most part. They could tell something was up, but the whole situation had them to nervous to ask. But they didn't want the thick silence to remain, so they filled the void with a different question, "how did you sleep?" They asked warmly.

Lightbulb narrowed her eyes. "Eh... It's a bit complicated..." she spoke as she thought uncomfortably to herself.

"What do you mean?" They asked as they raised an eyebrow in response, "Is something on your mind?" It seems the question they were dreading to ask came up on its own.

"It's just... Doesn't this all seem a bit... I dunno... Weirdly convenient?" She huffed, hugging herself as she mumbled these things partially into the blanket.

"What...?" Paintbrush muttered in confusion.

"I said, like uh... all this seems weirdly convenient." Lightbulb repeated a bit louder, thinking Paintbrush couldn't hear her the first time.

"Yeah—no... I heard you. I just—what do you mean?" They asked with a now confused glare as they listened to her words.

Lightbulb stared at the candle lights that had long burned out above. "We opened this magical door with our powers... ended up in this new—place! And now everyone is just— taking our word for stuff. I know these wild powers a crazy shindig in itself, but even my goofy self would be conspir—conspiriss.. conspiring about why the hell we have these wacky abilities... y'know? Everything just seems to be clicking too perfectly..." she rambled.

Paintbrush pondered her words for a moment, and thought back to how that... 'X' person behaved. Lightbulb was right, it was kind of strange. They sighed slightly and looked down at Lightbulb. "There's nothing we can really do about it... At least they didn't try to lock us up, you know?"

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