Run, Rabbit, Run

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The gruesome scene replayed in my head as I realized the horrifying fate I was in. All of my friends are dead. My heart sank and felt as if it was ripped out of my chest. I just watched their lives being taken away from them. Wiping the tears off my cheeks that have fallen, I quietly lift myself up from the floor trying my best to make as little noise as possible.

"What the hell is all this noise 'round 'ere?!" A familiar voice yelled as I heard a door slam open.

The sound of heavy footsteps ran up the stairs to the front porch and into the house followed by the sound of manly giggles. I tiptoed my way into the dining room that was connected to the bone room and kept a low profile. Not to sure what I was searching for, but I had to think of an escape plan. I approached a blue tool box that sat on a dresser next to the dining table. As I overheard the conversation from the two man outside the room, it made me quicken my movements digging around.

"Where did that damn brother of yours run off to?" The same dominate voice spoke again.

As I shut the toolbox and stuffed a tool pick in my front pocket I heard a loud thud coming from the upstairs above me. "I got you, I got you!" I looked up at the thud and the new muffled voice above me before snapping my head around towards the door.

"I found one! Time to slaughter this little calf!" His excitement made the other man giggle once again.

A female's voice raised above the others as she begged for her life, "please, please! You guys are all sick monsters! Let me go!" She yelled. The struggle in her voice made it known she was fighting against her capturers hold.

Connie? Oh my God. She's still alive. Quick, I have to think of something to help her-

Before I could do anything else the dining room door slammed open. I backed away in the dark corner before noticing a crack in the wall. Without a second thought, I slipped through the crack quietly. As I made it to the other side I brought my face close to the sliver and watched as they dragged Connie towards the table.

"Nubbins, help me strap this one down!" The familiar voice demanded.

I glanced at the man whose voice it belonged to and saw the old man from behind the counter at the gas station. Drayton. As if my heavy heart couldn't break even more, I stared in disbelief. Why would he do this?

Another man came into view wearing a green tee-shirt and khaki's. His greasy brown straight hair was shoulder length and he had a visible red birth mark down the left side of his face. Nubbins, I assume that's his name. He quickly made his way around the table knocking over chairs in the process. His hyper energy was off putting in this situation. He almost seemed to act child-like. I watched as he roughly grabbed Connie's hands and feet strapping them down to the table, while Drayton restrained down the other side.

A loud slam was heard over Connie's screams as another familiar voice echoed through the house.

"Sissy, what the hell are you doin'? Get down here and give me a hand why don't ya." I turned my head to my left seeing an open doorway leading to the basement of the house. A loud clink of a bucket hitting the floor causing me to jump as I snap my head back to the scene before me. The chainsaw revved as the man in the bloody apron spun around excitedly.

"We're eating good tonight!" Nubbins cheered as he hunched over Connie's shaking body making a few slices to her skin. He giggled to himself before sticking out his tongue blowing raspberries mocking her frightened expression.

"Somebody please help!" She cried out with tears streaming down her face. Guilt and shame filled my gut as I just watched all of my closest friends die, and now I'm about to witness what ever horrifying fate that has been chosen for Connie.

I felt my stomach twist and turn as I watched the chainsaw descend to Connie's neck. The chains rotating on the saw rapidly as I watched her skin break. Blood immediately pouring out as she gurgled on her own. The life in her eyes fading away quickly as the muscles in her body twitched regardless of the restraints. Her head falling off her body and landing in a bucket beneath the table by the man in the apron's feet. My face turning pale as the blood in my body seemed to vanish. I quickly ran over to the sink in the kitchen barfing up stomach acid and whatever else settled in my stomach.

"Sissy, take him down to the basement. I got something I got to do first." The familiar voice seemed closer than before. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand before turning around. I noticed the younger man from the gas station covered in my friends blood walking towards me. I glanced behind him where he left a lady in a black dress accommodating to Sonny's corpse. For a moment our eyes met and I noticed his demeanor made a complete one-eighty from when I saw him last. His eyes were darker, he had a sharp jawline, and a scar across the other side of his face. He ignored Sissy's annoyed groan for leaving her to deal with the body by herself.

Before I could properly think, my body went into fight or flight mode. I seemed to choose flight as my legs carried me out of the kitchen. The only available exit was the room next to me. The lighting was darker, with a red hue to it. It illuminated the bones on the wall. There was blood all over making my run a slippery one. Human remains were left unattended causing maggots to form in the half cut open bodies on the tables. Human teeth made for decoration. Cut off features such as; ears, nose, and eyeballs were kept in jars on shelves beside jar of hearts. This place was a real life nightmare.

I felt a sharp pain on my arm as I stumbled out of the room and onto the back porch. The display of open windows to my left showed the outside. The sunflower garden I was once in earlier, wishing I could go back. I let out a yelped as another slash from a blade cut my skin drawing more blood.

"Yeah, take it! Take it!"

My feet desperately trying to find their way around the house brought me to a den. As I searched for the next door to run out of, it was slammed open by the man with the chainsaw. I screamed as I stepped back cowardly and frightened. The grotesque mask he wore sent shivers down my spine. As fear overcame my body and soul, I began begging for my life. I was trapped by two killers blocking my way. With my hands in front of me I stepped back feeling my back hit the wall causing a bone structure to fall onto the ground. I quickly glanced at the human skull next to my foot before looking up at the chainsaw above the man's head ready to strike.

My eyes were wide. I felt like I wanted to shrink and crawl into a hole. My life flashed before my eyes. I remembered why my friends and I went on this road trip in the first place. Maria. I'm so sorry Maria, I could not find you. Everyone's dead, including me very soon. I silently began to pray in my head as I awaited the pain that was about to come, accepting my fate.

"Hey, leave this one to me, boy" The guy from the gas station spoke up causing the chainsaw to stop. "Go on, go help Cook and Nubbins will ya." The tall man in the mask grumbled as he stomp off into the other room leaving me alone with the young man.

"What the hell do ya think yer doin' going 'round walkin' on other peoples lawns? Didn't I tell ya and yer little friends to stay away from folks properties?!" His voice raised as he lifted his hand slapping me against the side of the head.

Scared, I kept my head low and my eyes on his chest. I took the subtle beating as it was better than being ripped apart by a chainsaw. My hands still in front of me creating a small distance between us two before he stepped closer. His hand roughly grabbing my jaw forcing me to look up at him.

"Look at me when I'm talkin' to you. Show me some God damn respect woman!" He spat causing me to flinch at his touch. His golden brown eyes I once looked at earlier in the day were now much darker. Due to the height difference, I looked up at him through my eyelashes with pleading eyes. "Please don't kill me"

Earning a chuckle from him he looked down at me, "Oh I'm not done with you, yet." He said before letting go of my jaw. After a few seconds later I felt pressure on my eye and everything went black making me pass out.

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