Sentimental Truth

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The stillness was surprisingly overwhelming. Usually, I didn't mind silence, but in this situation, it was unbearable. I didn't know where the Slaughter family was... or doing. I was trapped in this freezer and I don't even know how long it's been. My body was tired from banging on the inside, and my voice was strained from yelling. I curled up into a fatal position shivering at the cool temperature. My toes and fingers tips were numb, they went numb what felt like forever ago. As much as I was afraid of what Johnny or someone would do to me after finding out what I did to Drayton, I still wish that he would let me out.

I hid my face in my arms as I crossed them around me, holding myself to keep warm. Tears begun to fall from my eyes and down my cheeks as I quietly cried.

"I'm sorry" I whispered. I'm sorry to my friends, it was my fault that I suggested to walk down the road when the tire deflated.

"I'm sorry" I repeated softly. I'm sorry to myself, I should've stayed home that night and never went out to the bar after therapy.

"I'm so sorry" I sobbed. I'm sorry to the Lord, I committed murder. I felt horrible and disgusted by my own actions. I also felt guilty that I didn't regret it. Drayton deserved it...

My tears froze as they fell from my eyes while I continued to cry. The sudden noise of the latch unlocking followed by the door opening caused me to breathe in quickly and glanced up towards the open door. The bright lights blinded me as I was surrounded by darkness for however long. I squinted towards the person as I looked up at their figure trying to see who it was standing above me. Their hands grabbed my arms and lifted me out of the freezer, placing me onto the floor. I gripped onto their biceps keeping me from falling since I couldn't feel my legs, pins and needles felt like they were shooting through my limbs. Daring to look up at who it was before me, I kept my head low, ashamed of what I've done. The freezer door shut closed causing me to jump slightly as I sink my teeth in my bottom lip, attempting to stop my teeth from chattering while I shivered.

"You're so cold" He stated the obvious as I stayed in place staring down at the floor. My vision clear now as I glance down at his familiar brown boots. Johnny.

His warm touch caressed my cheek gently as he gracefully moved a piece of my hair out of my face.

I awaited physical pain from what I've done to his father, but nothing violent happened. The next thing he did was place his fingers to my jaw and turn my head to look up at him. I stare into his brown orbs as he towered over me. He studied me before he spoke up in a soft tone "You must be hungry?" He said in a question.

I haven't thought about food in a while now that he's mentioned it. My stomach growled afterward, confirming out loud that I was indeed in need for food.

"Come on" He motioned as he guided me out of the basement.


As we reached the top of the staircase he guided me to the right and the outside surrounded us. The view before me displayed a beautiful purple-ish pink hue, the sky casting the most picturesque sunset I've seen in a while. Johnny lead me through the cattle chute as I looked up at the sky in awe. Catching a sunset in the countryside was a truly magical sight to behold. The warm mixture of hues; orange, pink, and gold spread across the sky, casting a soft glow over the fields. The silhouettes of trees and farmhouses standing out against the colorful backdrop like a scenic painting.

I didn't notice I had slowed down as I stood in place distracted by the view until I felt Johnny gently tug on my hand, "You okay?" he questioned, catching my attention.

"Yeah." I responded as we walked further ahead, passing through the facility courtyard before approaching the other building of the slaughter house.

The absence of his hand made me feel cold again as he pulled out a ring of keys from his pocket, the sounds of metal lightly clinging together as he searched for the appropriate key in his fingers, unlocking the red door. He opened it as we stepped inside and the smell of meat and blood invaded my senses instanter.

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