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A/N: The beginning is no POV, just narration.


The phone rang alarming the dispatcher of an incoming call. She turned her attention to the ringing device and answered the call.

"Bastrop Police Department, how may I assist you?"

On the other end of the line, a feminine voice trembled with fear. "I live next door to a slaughterhouse, and I heard screaming coming from that direction. It sounded like someone was in trouble. I'm really scared, can you please help?"

"Of course. Where are you located?" The dispatcher asked as she began to dance her fingertips along the keyboard typing out the information.

"Just outside of Hills Prairie."


Officer Garcia sat at his desk, diligently reviewing the latest incident reports. The police station was bustling with activity as officers hurriedly attended to their duties. He glanced at the digital clock at the bottom right of his computer screen, giving the news that it was now past midnight. Suddenly, he heard a knock at his office door.

"Come in!" He welcomed as he looked up from his bright screen, acknowledging the young female at his doorway.

"Sorry to bother you Officer. There was a call from a resident near Hills Prairie were a middle aged female heard screaming next door. She sounded very distraught..." The young lady adverted her eye line to the floor before glancing back up at her boss, "I thought I would tell you personally since-"

Officer Garcia's heart skipped a beat. He knew that every call could potentially be a matter of life or death. He thought about his wife and two little daughters that lived just outside of Hills Prairie and stood up from his seat.

"Say no more, I'm going." He quickly grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair and put it on as he walked around the desk towards the young women, "thank you" he said as they exchanged a nod before he exited the building.

As he rushed to his patrol car, he mentally prepared himself for the unknown that awaited him.

Arriving at the scene, Officer Garcia parked his vehicle discreetly, ensuring not to alert any potential suspects. He cautiously approached the house, his senses heightened, ready for any sign of danger. He knocked on the door, announcing his presence as a police officer.

After a few moments of tense silence, the door creaked open, revealing a disheveled and frightened neighbor. Officer Garcia quickly assessed the situation, ensuring the neighbor's safety before proceeding further. "Thank you for contacting us. Can you provide any additional information about what you heard or saw?"

The neighbor, still visibly shaken, recounted the chilling screams that had pierced the air moments ago. Officer Garcia assured the neighbor that they had done the right thing by reaching out for help.

As duty calls, Officer Garcia took it upon himself to instruct the woman to stay here as he walked through the knee level grass towards the abandon decrepit slaughterhouse only a couple hundred yards away. The darkness enveloped him as he pulled out his flashlight shining it before him creating a clear path ahead.

He approaches the beat up looking building as he assesses the potential dangers that lie within. With each step, he carefully scans the surroundings, his trained eyes searching for any signs of suspicious activity or potential threats.  As he enters the eerie interior, the officer remains vigilant, prepared to uncover any hidden secrets or uncover any illicit activities that may have taken place within its walls. With a commitment to upholding the law and ensuring public safety, the police officer bravely ventures into the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges may arise in the pursuit of justice.

Officer Garcia couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The neighbor's call had been a false alarm. The entire property had been searched and there was nobody in sight. The only thing that Officer Garcia came across was graffiti on the old walls and broken glass all over the floor from shattered windows. He suspected it was just local vandals.

He returned to the worried neighbor and commended them for their bravery and quick thinking, emphasizing the importance of community involvement in maintaining safety, but there was nothing to worry about.

Meanwhile, at another Slaughterhouse about 55 miles North from Hills Prairie, near Hutto, Texas was a group of drunk friends who had experienced the worst night of their lives, meeting their gruesome fate.



My eyelids felt heavier than ever as I forced them to open. The familiar feeling started to come back to me as I felt the strain on my shoulders from my body weighing them down, swaying from a metal hook.

I heard muffled screams getting louder and louder until I noticed the brown wooden door open in front of me. Quickly, I shut my eyes hanging my head low between my shoulders, pretending I was asleep avoiding the attention from the disturbed man in the mask making strange excited noises. His foot steps came closer mixed with the sounds of struggles. My senses heightened as I heard something being placed next to me followed by clear and loud screaming.

The sound of the wooden door closing indicated it was safe to reopen my eyes. As I did, I glance to my right noticing a girl in her early twenties dangling from the ceiling the same way I was, her tight ropes draped over the metal hook.

Her body was shaking, her hair was a mess, and she was covered in dirt. She looked like she had been running or fighting, or both. I felt a knot of sympathy in my stomach as she sobbed pleading for help, tears continuously running down her terrified face.

"It's gonna be okay, we'll get out of here" I reassured her.

This only caused the poor girl to cry harder, her weak body pulling at her restraints.

"I can't... they k-killed my friends..." She exclaimed, the memories of her friends running for their lives flowed back into her mind as the sound of the chainsaw echoed in her ear.

"...I'm sorry" I whispered as I felt a pit in my stomach, seeing myself in her as I was once in her shoes years ago.

Her desperate cries only grew louder the more we were left unattended. Suddenly, the wooden door flew open revealing an annoyed Johnny as he entered the room. His dark eyes darting towards the other girl, I watched him as he walked up to her.

"Shut the fuck up already!" His voice overpowering her pleads as I watched her breathing hitch in her throat.

His head peeled away from the young girl and looked my way. I felt my nerves take over as we made eye contact. A mixture of emotions overwhelmed me as I found myself once again helpless and captivated by him. Was I happy to see him? No... Disappointed that I was back in this situation? Yes, but fearful? He never really hurt me before. My eyes had left his moments ago when my nerves took over, I stared at the floor as I thought about what exactly I was feeling.

"Y/N." His voice called out as his foot steps made their way in front of me.

His taunting tone made me glance up at him, his lust-filled orbs pouring into mine.

There was a brief moment of silence in the room as he stared at me, his eyes wandering my body before his lips curved into a smirk.

"I missed you" He stated.

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