Family House

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I woke up on a dirty mattress on the floor with my hands tied behind my back and my ankles tied together by rope. My tired and bruised eyes scanned my surroundings, the room I was in was big and had a red hue to it. My left eye throbbed as I recall the abuse I took from Johnny. I felt disoriented and lethargic. 

I groaned as I moved myself to a sitting position—my back resting on the wall—that the mattress was next to. My eyes shifted around the room as I found it difficult focusing on one thing. There was so much junk in my sight. A large white chest freezer was next to me and above that was a vintage looking lantern sitting on a recessed shelf in the wall.

The memories of this room began to come back to me as I remember seeing Ana's corpse dangling from a meat hook in the corner. I swallow a lump in my throat that was building up from the horrible event I once lived through. My head shot towards the blue steel down that slid open revealing the lady in the black dress. 

"Well, hello..." The women's voice was high pitched and cheerful with a hint of surprise, "you don't look so good, sweetie" A look of concern appeared across her face as she walked down the stairs and strutted over to me. 

My eyes travelled up her tiny figure looking up at her as she stopped at my feet. I took in her overall appearance, her black dress was sleeveless and stopped mid thigh. White stitching designed the collar and trailed down the center of her dress, two stitches on either side of the trail indicated pockets. She wore no signs of footwear creating a habit of uncleanliness as she willingly walked through the houses filth. Her strawberry blonde hair was pulled back tied into a low bun with a few strands outlining her sharp facial features. 

Groggily, I watched her withdraw a razor blade from her pocket and squat down.

"I can help you" She sent me a sincere and trustworthy smile as she embarked on removing the bindings. 

I stayed still granting her wishes to help me, though I didn't have a choice. I kept quiet and brought my free hands to my chest rubbing the soreness around my wrists as the lady stood up breaking the silence. 

"Oh! Where are my manners?" She lightly tapped her forehead as if she disapproved of her forgetful actions, "My name is Sissy," she held out her hand gesturing for me to take. 

"And you must be Y/N?" She let out a chortle, seemingly she already knew the answer to that question. 

Courteously and attentively, I nodded, placing my hand in Sissy's, and with her help I stood up. 

"Great! Johnny has told me a lot about you, you know? He definitely likes you," Sissy's words had a little bounce to them as she spoke in high spirits. "c'mon dinner's about to be served, you must be starvin'!"

Not knowing how to take that or what she meant by it, I pushed the thought to the back of my mind as she guided me the way she came from. More animal carcasses hung up on the wall leading up the stair case. The red peeling wall paper covered with cadaver forewarned the first day I was trapped in this house — the same spot I saw Sissy and Johnny handling Sonny's mortal remains. She turned to the left and walked me down the hallway, the front entrance came to view and left my sight just as quickly as Sissy directed me into the dining room on the right. 

The family boarded the sides of the dining table as their eyes glued onto me while I entered the room. 

"Whew, finally!" Nubbins voiced his impatience as he sat eagerly in front of his empty bowl gripping onto his silverware. 

"Where would you like to sit?" Sissy perked up neglecting Nubbin's comment. 

"She's sitting with me," Johnny entered the room behind them and wrapped his hand around my sore wrist causing me to let out a yelp "Don't you start." He warned as he pushed me down into my seat. He sat down across from me at the end of the table. At the head of the table was Grandpa. Beside Johnny sat Sissy then Nancy. Sitting adjacent to the women in the family was Nubbins then Bubba. Drayton came out wearing oven mittens holding a big pot that was steaming out the top.

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