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Driving along a country road early in the morning offers a serene and picturesque experience. I thought of Maria, she would've loved to capture this breath taking scenery.

As the sun begins to rise, its gentle rays cast a warm glow over the surrounding landscape. The road stretches ahead, lined with tall trees and vibrant wildflowers, creating a scenic corridor that invites a sense of tranquility. The air is crisp and refreshing, carrying the scent of dew-kissed grass and earth. The absence of heavy traffic allows for a peaceful journey, with only the occasional chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves to accompany the rhythmic hum of the engine. Driving along this country road early in the morning provides a moment of solace and connection with nature, a chance to appreciate the beauty of the world around us.

Unfortunately, I am accompany by a murderer. Any chance of a peaceful life ever since three days ago was not in my possession.

I sat in the passenger seat in the parked grey pick up truck that my friends were once trying to fix up. Except I was nowhere near the house I got captured.

Lifting my head from my tied wrists, I saw Johnny whom walked around the side of the hood towards a white fence. The trucks headlights shined onto his frame creating a silhouette. He seemed to unlock the fence and push back the doors before returning to the drivers side.

The vehicle began to move forward slowly and I took the opportunity to scan my surroundings. To my left was a little shed and a few bushes displayed along the side. The white fence sheltered off a garden full of sunflowers to my right and what brought the whole landscape together was a house.

As we got closer to the house and the vehicle came to a still, I eyed the pale yellow panel of the exterior walls of the building. There was a three stair walk up in-between two skinny white pillars at the entrance.

Johnny ripped the passenger door open interrupting my thought process as I glared at him. His rough hands grabbed my arms forcing me out of the truck and onto my feet. With the door slamming shut behind me we approached the front door of the house. Curiosity ran through my body as Johnny confidently opened the screen door before twisting the door knob of the brown wooden door, opening it.

A small hallway came into view as I was nudged forward into the home.

"What am I doing here?" I questioned curious about the new location.

"Quiet, will ya." Johnny barked back. We were now standing a couple feet apart. He looked around the house searching for something or someone as we stepped further into the home.

"I have someone I want you to meet" He continued.

My eyebrows furrowed together confused by who he had planned for me to meet until I heard the next word come out of his mouth.

"Ma!" He shouted walking into an open room. With Johnny being the only familiarity in this new environment I felt ironically comfortable next to him, so I followed close behind.

A door opened and closed behind us causing us to turn around. I took in the older women that stood before me. She wore an off white flower patterned dress shirt with a medium length skirt that stopped just above her ankles showcasing her matching off white tennis shoes. Her brunette hair styled up with a headband, keeping her hair out of her face. She held a sullen stare that made me feel slightly uncomfortable and reading glasses that rested on the bridge of her nose.

Johnny stepped from behind me and walked towards the older lady wrapping his arms around her and placing a kiss on her temple. I adverted my eyes to the ground as she kept her gaze on me during their interaction.

Johnny noticed the tension and cleared his throat before speaking up "Ma, this is Y/N. She's staying with me for a while. I thought she could help around the house, you know" the corner of his lips curved into a smirk as if he thought of a genius plan.

Cherry Pie - Johnny Slaughter (Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now