The Return of the Monster

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The water shut off as I turned the knob facing down. Lightly, I pushed the frosted glass door open allowing me to step onto the bath mat, drying the bottoms of my feet. As I step out of the shower, the cold air creating goosebumps all over my skin as the drastic temperature change causes a chill to run through my body. Reaching for my towel, I wrap the warm fabric around my shivering body absorbing the water droplets. As I grab another towel I wrap my hair into a twist resting the cloth on top of my head. 

My legs guide me over to the sink counter and I brush my hand over the foggy mirror removing the moisture off the glass. I take a moment to glance at my naked face and vulnerable self before using the opportunity to utilize the small circle I created with my hand to get myself ready. 

With a clean brand new outfit on, my hair dried and styled, my face awake and painted with subtle soft makeup, I feel my phone vibrate in my hand. As I lift the device I read over the notification sent from the dating app from Johnny, "I'll meet you at the location in 20 minutes" it read. 

I feel my nerves take over once again as my palms start to get sweaty and my stomach began doing flips. As I walked through the living room towards the front door, my eyes caught glance of a book displayed on a small squared book stand. It was my book that I wrote a year ago about my story that took place in Newt. 

As I hesitantly reached for the door knob memories around the time my book released flooded my mind. 

"The place is empty." A male's voice echoed. 

Forcing my eyes away from the scene before me, I made eye contact with the police man walking over to me. 

My arms crossed my chest as the cool wind caused a shiver down my spine. They got away... all of them.

The other police officers and detectives seemed to fade in the background as they continued to search the whereabouts. Disbelief was all that consumed me as I looked back at the house. The once dilapidated home looked even more wrecked as it held a charred exterior. The windows, now boarded up, serve as a barrier against trespassers and the elements. The plywood, typically weathered and worn, are nailed or screwed onto the window frames, creating a barricade that obscures any view into the house's interior. Some boards were loose and partially broken, revealing glimpses of the darkness within.

I blinked as my eyes shifted to the spot on the gravel road where once lied three of my friends bodies: Leland, Ana and Julie. 

I frown at the memory as I felt the world around me start to cave in, getting triggered by my surroundings. 

"Come on, let's get you back home" Said the man with authority as he gently placed an arm over my sight, guarding the view as I turn around on my heel. 

As the flashback disappeared from my mind, I stared down at the book, an overwhelming urge to confront my past empowered me. Never again will I let them get away with what they did to me and my friends. Johnny and the rest of the Slaughter family have to pay. The feeling of helplessness when I stood in front of their abandon home is one thing I promised myself that won't happen again. The disappointment and anger that resided as the police officer informed me there was nothing they could do to find these monsters.

After three years of trying to recover from the horrors of those restless nights I spent in that nightmare of a house, in their presences, the universe has sent one of them my way and I refuse to let them get away this time. Finally, a karmic vendetta opened an opportunity to give them a taste of their own medicine. 

As my newly bravery sparked my strength to flourish, I grabbed my purse slinging it over my shoulder before walking out of my apartment, locking it up behind me. 


The rain had officially stopped from earlier in the day as my heels clicked against the damp side walk while I approached the building. People loitering by the front entrance as I squeezed my way through them. As I walked through the doorway I was greeted by the sound of music instanter. The bar was filled with people consumed with substances and amusing their time on this Saturday night. 

I scanned the local bar as I noticed the decorations on the wall contributed a mixture of artwork and vintage posters, adding character and personality to the place. Exposed brick patterned the bare and framework-less walls as people stood by them near a pool(billiard) table. 

I walked past people who were enjoying the lively and energetic music swaying their bodies to the rhythm. I made my way over to the bar counter, a well-stocked assortment of colorful alcoholic bottles neatly displayed on shelves behind the bartender who was skillfully mixing beverages and engaging with customers. 

I sat on a high stool at the counter made out of polished wood and pulled my phone out looking at the time. I wasn't late, nor was I early. I tucked the device away as I scanned around the room, the dimly lit room made it difficult to point out the faces of people around me. People's conversations could be heard over the music creating a bunch of mixed chattering in the background.

Nervous, I left the spot I was sitting and decided to go the restroom for a moment to recollect myself. Was I making the right decision- 

I was cut off from my thoughts as I felt a shoulder bump into mine. I turn around apologizing to the person I collided with just to see the man I was meeting here tonight. I felt myself panic as I became paralyzed.

"Y/N?" His voice was low as he questioned. He blinked as if he doubted his own eye sight, shocked to be running into me. 

"Johnny..." My voice lingered as I stared up at him through my eyelashes. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked, but before I could muster a thought to answer him he switched his question, "I haven't seen you in so long, how have you been?" 

I swallowed the growing lump in my throat as I hadn't noticed he grabbed my hand guiding me over to the bar counter I was just sitting at. My eyebrows furrowed at his sudden change of tone that went from confused to gregarious. 

My mind wandered as I felt every emotion tackle my body within seconds. I couldn't get myself to speak. I look around, everyone else occupied with themselves and their group of friends as if this wasn't a big deal. I returned my gaze to Johnny as he slid over a drink to me that he had ordered.

"Well, you look great." He complimented as I didn't answer him. He brought the beer bottle that he requested to his lips, taking a swig. 

As he leaned to his side resting his arm on the counter while he faced me, he decided to continue this one sided conversation as he asked, "So, you gonna tell me what you've been up to?"

My lips parted as I was about to speak until they closed again. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to talk to him. Why did I even come here? How can he act as if nothing ever happened? What did I expect? I was shocked by the way he was acting, yet impressed. 

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