One Way Ticket to Death

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I carried the box in my arms down the stairs Johnny once guided me down except this time when I yank the blue steel door to the side I turn right instead of left. I walked through the cellar and made my way down a few steps then through the garage. I continued walking towards another set of stairs that had another blue steel door at the bottom. I yanked the door to the side entering the man cave. 

There was bone decorations hanging from the ceiling like there was at the other house. They clinked together softly as I moved passed them. There was a love seat and a matching single sofa facing a small television in the corner occupied by human skeleton bones propped up as if they were watching tv, however, the screen was static. There was a dusty old piano in the corner as I walked by it, it looked like it hadn't been played in years. A shiver ran down my spine as I walked pass the animal carcasses hung up on the wall like a trophy. 

As I walked through the doorway I was met with a hallway leading into the basement storage and a few doors leading into their own rooms. Essentially, I approached the closest door to me that was to my right, I walked inside and looked around seeing shelves filled with cooking supplies such as potatoes, sugar, pots and pans, etc. I felt relieved that the pantry wasn't too hard to find as I set the box onto the counter. While I opened the box beginning to take some things out I heard a faint voice coming from next door. 

I stopped my movements as I listened closely to what was being said.

"Help... me... somebody" The voice sounded weak and tired. 

I placed what was in my hand down on the table and stepped out of the pantry. I looked around for any sight of Nancy or Johnny before I opened the door to the other room. My jaw dropped as I saw a man hanging upside down, his ankles tied together while the rope draped over a meat hook. 

"Oh my God" I whispered to myself as I stepped closer.

This caught the man's attention as he glanced up at me.

"Y/N? What are you doing here? Help me!" His voice was frantic and confused. He began sending multiple questions my way as I helped him down from his restraints. 

As he stood up, his features becoming clearer as I recognized him, "Danny?!" Maria's boyfriend. 

"Yes, it's me, 'cmon, we've got to get out of here!" He encouraged as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room heading left. 

I followed him as he limped guiding me the way I came from "What the hell did those monster- freaks do" he mumbled to himself.

"Danny wait, these bastards are sick... they- they killed them all..." I say as I look at him causing us to stop in our tracks thinking about my friends lives that have lost. "We've got to be careful"

"I won't let them get away with this, don't worry." His dried blood hands made their way to the sides of my face cupping my cheeks as he stared down at me with determination. 

With a newly motivation, Danny's encouragement helped me gain some confidence. Danny has always been a dare devil. Him and Leland got along well, they were both top athletes in their school. 

With my hands on his forearms I nod my head showing him I'm ready for us to finally put a stop to this. 

"This is for Maria" He says as he presses a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"For Maria." I reply.  

We continue our walk through the man cave and gradually making our way up the stairs. 

A feminine laughter bounces off the walls in the garage as foot steps come closer to the stairs we crouched on.

"Run Y/N!" Danny shouts as he attacks Nancy head on, placing his hands on her shoulders. She returns the gesture, struggling to fight for dominance. 

Before I could think, my legs were guiding me back down the steps, I run pass the bones hanging from the ceiling causing a loud clash as I exit the man cave. I run pass the doors in the hallway and make my way through the basement storage. Running down a slope to the dig room before making a slight left turn into the garden storage. I take a quick look around to see if I'm being followed. Not noticing any movement behind me, I realize I have no idea where I am. 

Quietly I sneak around looking for any sign of an exit. A blue tool box coming to view as well as a steel door. I approach the box and begin digging for a lock pick. As I retrieve one I then scurry to the door shoving the tool pick inside the lock. 

"Come on, God damn it!" I mumble under my breath aggressively. 

The tool pick snaps at the last second but unlocks the door. I yank it open and see a wooden sloped curve to my right leading me up into a garden shed. A few hay stacks come to view with a caged chicken placed on top. I meticulously kept myself at a steady pace as I moved across the room pass the chicken making sure I do not disturb it and alarm my location. 

There was another one of those tables with iron water cans underneath and garden tools on top surrounded by empty flower pots right by the door. I stood up unlocking the door as I stepped outside into the havoc of a backyard, shutting the door behind me. 

Commotion and yelling came from my right as I glanced at the garage, noticing Danny running and tripping over his feet. I gasp and hide in the nearest bush beside a tree. I kept my eyes on him as I caught a trail of blood leaking from his side. Nancy quickly approaches Danny's exhausted form as she raises her arm holding a weapon. She strikes down knocking Danny on the head causing him to fall onto the ground. He struggles and tries his hardest to get back up only for the older lady to knock him back down with repetitive hits until he was lifeless. 

I felt my body begin to shake from fear. Danny was my one way ticket out of here and I just left him to die. I should've done something back there to help. Guilt washed over me as I felt tears at the brim of my eyes.

"Well look who we got here" 

Johnny's voice roared behind me. I shrieked as I felt his hand on my shoulder making me face him. 

"I always find 'em, you should know better than that!" He chuckled. 

His laughter made me shudder. He leaned forward and grabbed a hold of me lifting me up onto his shoulder. 

"No! Let me go!" I wiggled in his grip as I kicked my feet and slammed my fists against his back, "Put me down, now!"

"See what you made me do?" Nancy's voice rang through the open. I knew she was talking to me even though she was standing a few feet away. "Johnny, you better do somethin' with that girl before she gets us into any more trouble!"

Johnny scoffed at his mother's words and he gripped onto my legs stopping me from trying to kick him in the face. "Get in the car, will ya? We're leaving." His response was delayed but nonetheless clear stated. 

Nancy followed suit with blood covering her clothes and made her way into the passenger seat as Johnny strapped me down in the middle. I kicked my legs towards Johnny as he tried to get into the drivers seat. Nancy mumbled underneath her breath angrily at the event that took placed moments ago.

"I know, Ma, I'll get him later- will you settle the hell down already?" Johnny somehow answering Nancy while I fought with him. He turned his attention towards me as his voice got louder and more stern.

"Fuck you!" I spat at him, my saliva landing on his cheek. He huffed out of his nostrils and wiped the spit off his face with his yellow gloves before his balled fist came in contact with my face knocking me out cold. 

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