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The scorching Texas heat beamed down once again as beads of sweat formed at my eyebrow. I lifted my arm and wiped the sweat away with the back of my wrist. I sat on my heels as I was kneeling in front of the garden of Nancy's house. She ordered me to pull the weeds and plant new flowers. I got the pleasure of choosing delicate bluebonnets and cheerful Castilleja's to complete the appearance of the garden in front of the porch.

I let out a suppressed sigh before standing up and walking over to a wooden table to my right that was up against a white picket fence that surrounded the property. I placed the gardening tools on the table and reached underneath for a water can made out of iron. Gripping it, I turned around on my heel and walked by the garden to the side of the house where Johnny's truck was parked. There was an outdoor faucet sticking from the side of the house with no hose attached. I placed the water can beneath it and turned the nozzle watching the water fill up the can gradually. 

The sound of creaking metal came from behind me, I whipped my head around and saw Johnny standing at the hood of his truck with it propped up and examining the inside. I rolled my eyes and turned my head back around turning the faucet off. He was keeping an eye on me, scared of what I might do. He watched me like a hawk.

I returned to the garden and began watering the sun-drenched soil. 

The front door opened and revealed Nancy, "What are you drowning my flowers there girl?" she clicked her tongue annoyed as she shook her head in a disappointed manner before continuing with her ordering me around, "after 'yer done there, I need you to clean the guest bedroom. Hurry up, I don't got all day!" she announced before disappearing back into the house. 

Another minute went by of watering the plants before I decided it was enough. The plants needed their hydration too, especially in this heat. Speaking of hydration, my mouth was dry and was desperate for water. I walked up the front door steps and placed the water can beside the door out of the way before stepping inside. I made my way into the kitchen and searched for a glass, successfully, I found one and placed the cup under the cold water watching it fill up. I downed the refreshing water instantly before filling it up one more time. I left the empty cup by the sink then walked pass the living room and grandfather clock Nancy had up against a wall by the entryway of her home. 

I opened the door in front of me showcasing another hallway that had three other doors on either side of the walls and a giant window at the end of the corridor. I went to the first door on the right and turned the doorknob revealing the disorganized and messy bedroom on the other side of the door. I walked in and shut the door behind me, gathering my surroundings. This woman was a hoarder. I looked around not sure where to start. 

There was a dresser to my left with a blue cloth on top. A photo frame of somebody rested against the peeling wallpaper in the middle, and a lamp next to it. Beside the dresser in the other corner was another dresser against a door and on top of that was another lamp plus a radio. 

I looked to my right and in the middle of the wall laid a bed. A big shelf-styled bed frame covered the wall from floor to ceiling. There was books stacked on top of each other in the shelves and dusty glass cabinets that hid away unique vintage dishware. In the empty cubbies was more dust and spider webs. 

The bed itself was just an off-white mattress on top of a bedframe with two poles at the bottom corners. A thin ripped baby blue blanket cascade along the sides of the bed, and loads of suitcases and boxes placed on top.

I raised my eyebrows at the setting before me as I walked further into the room. I walked around to the side of the bed and wiped my hand along one of the boxes that was on the bed, grime and dust came off the top and displayed across my skin as I cringed and wiped my palm on the pants I wore. Johnny's jeans. He gave me a pair of his jeans after this morning's events took place. I didn't have a choice since he cut mine open. They were slightly baggy, but it was this or nothing. 

I began organizing the room the best I could. Placing things along the walls stacked neatly, tucking things away under the bed, and tossing things in the chest that was in the corner beside the bed frame. 

I took a minute to relax and sit on the bed with a creak. My eyes shifted from my lap to the window in front of me. There wasn't much of a view since there was a small vanity in front of it. I observed the vanity, a mirror was in the center while two vase filled with sunflowers were on either side. Then a camera on the left next to a picture frame of Nancy and Drayton. 

The photo caught my eye as I stood up and stepped towards it, I picked it up and examined the photo, they were standing in tall grass in front of a red truck. Nancy was in front of Drayton while he had his hand on her shoulder. Two big cheeky smiles across their faces. It made me wonder what ever happened between them two. 

I placed the photo back down in the same spot I found it then glanced over at the camera. It looked just like the one Maria used to photograph with. Carefully, I picked up the camera and turned it around. To my surprise it turned on and the same photo of Nancy and Drayton appeared on the little screen. With curiosity I flipped through the photos, nothing out of the ordinary came to view, just a bunch of scenic captures. Wild flowers, animal life, work shed tools. Most of it was nature, things Maria loved to snap a picture of. 

I continued to flipped through the photos stopping at a photo of a sign that said Private Property. My eyebrows furrowed together as I thought back to the same sign I seen behind Johnny's family's house. I felt my stomach turn as I refused to believe it. Skipping pass a few more photos, I could tell it was getting darker when these photos were captured. 

There was a photo of a bunny in front of a fenced gate underneath a lamp post creating a silhouette of the furry creature in the distance. A small smile curled the corner of my lips, I loved animals. With the flip onto the next photo my smile dropped as I saw Johnny in the screen staring back at me. His wide manic grin was wide across his face, his hair loosely hung over his forehead as the pitch black darkness surrounded him in the background.

I stared in disbelief as I begun to piece everything together. He has to know Maria, he knows exactly where she is. I heard a noise come from the opposite side of the door causing me to shut the camera off quickly and place it back onto the vanity. I turned around and was met with Johnny at the doorway.

"What are you doing in here? Where's Ma?" He asked as his eyes traveled up and down my body.

"I don't know... she asked me to clean the room" I adverted my eyes from his looking down.

He took a look around and slightly nodded, approving of the cleanliness of the room.

"Right, well, what are you still doing in here if it's cleaned?"

I bent down and pulled a box from underneath the bed and held it in my arms.

"I cleaned everything, but I'm left with this. I'm not sure where it goes..." 

Johnny stepped forward eyeing the box, "what's in it?" He questioned curiously.

"...just cooking utensils and stuff, like baking sheets" I said rather quickly, staring at him from across the room. 

"Then just throw it in the pantry, it's downstairs."

With that he turned around and left. I felt my shoulders relax as he disappeared around the corner. I embarked on the destination of the pantry with a new mindset set in place. Johnny's been keeping a secret from me and I won't just be another one of his victims. 

I will find out the truth.

Cherry Pie - Johnny Slaughter (Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now