Chapter Six: Soulmate

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I sense her fear. I smell her blood. I feel her pain. 

There is this heaviness in my chest and pain throughout my body but it isn't my own. It is Auroras.

My wolf takes over as we run, tracking her scent to her. 

Find mate! Mate is hurt! 

When I find her lying on the concrete I shift back and pick her up.

Fuck, fuck!

"Aurora! No, no, baby, fuck!"

She isn't responding! What do I do? What happened? I will kill whoever fucking did this, I'll-FUCK!

With her in my arms, I run as fast as I can to the pack house. My wolf wants to kill whoever did this. I will make them pay, I will make them wish they were fucking dead. I will keep her safe. I will keep my mate safe.

When I reach the pack house I mind link Chase.

Chase, Aurora is hurt, get the pack doctor now!

The pack doctor Francine is quick to get to us.

"I found her like this, she won't wake up, fucking do something!" I growled out at the doctor. I know she is trying to help but I am so fucking angry I can't breathe. I just need her to wake up.

"Is she?" The doctor asked as she examined Aurora.

I look at Aurora, and back at the doctor.

I nod.

I watch as the other doctor rushes in. He starts to touch her and I lose it, almost attacking him. Chase has to hold me back. I am possessive, I know but I can't handle any male's hands on her. She is mine. And right now she is vulnerable. The fewer others were involved, the better. 

"I'm sorry Alpha. May I touch her to examine her injuries? You can stand right beside me. I just want to check the Luna for any broken bones"

Chase releases me. I nod toward the doctor.

Luna. My Luna.

I watch as they examine her and set her in a bed.

"The Luna has experienced trauma to her head and abdomen. There are also bruises covering at least 60% of the rest of her body-" The doctors stop and look at each other. I can tell they are holding something back.

"What is it, tell me. Will she, will she wake up." I ran my hands through my hair, begging them to tell me that she would be okay. "Someone better say something right fucking now before I rip your heads off!"

"Alpha the Luna will recover. It may take a couple of days but she will wake up soon. It-it appears that she has some other wounds that are concerning. She seems to be...someone has been hurting her, a lot.

Holding back my own tears. I nodd for them to leave. I don't want anyone to see me so afraid, so weak.

Sitting beside her in the room, I think about what the doctors said as I scan over her beautiful face bruised by purple and red.

My Aurora, being hurt by someone. Who fucking did this?

We will find them and kill them. Tie them up and peel their flesh off until they can't take it. Then we burn them.

My wolf, my beast says. I want nothing more than to end them. I want to take away all of her suffering. I'd do anything for her. Anything.

I watch her as she sleeps. The doctors came in from time to time to give her medicine through her IV. It is hard to watch her like this. I knew something was going on. I should have done something. This is all my fault.


The next few days have been agonizing. Not being able to talk to her, to see her blue eyes. I haven't moved much from this spot. I can't. She was here, so that's where I would be. Wherever she goes, I would go.

I reach up and caress her face.

When my hand touches her, she moves, and her eyes slowly open.


"X-Xavier, Xavier"

"It's okay. I'm here, I'm right here." I say, holding her in my arms.

I can hear her muffled tears again my chest as she cried. 

"I am s-so-I-"

"Shhh it's okay. It's okay Aurora." I say as I keep holding her close, not wanting to let go.

I feel her press lightly on my chest so I lean back, still holding her, but giving her room to look at me.

"I'm sorry I didn't protect you. I'm sorry I wasn't there." I say, now holding her face in mine.

She shifts in the bed and looks upset at my words.

"N-no Xavier, it is not you-your fault. It is m-mine."

"Aurora, none of this is your fault. I am supposed to protect you, be there for you, keep you safe."

She shakes her head and looks confused.

"Xavier, w-what do you mean b-by that? Who are you? What-what are we to each other? I do not under-understand th-this." I can see from her face that she can't take any more hurt. I have to tell her the truth. Even if it means her possible rejection. I can't cause her any more pain than she already feels.

"Aurora, my beautiful Aurora. You are my mate. My soulmate."

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