Chapter Seven: Home

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"What-what do you mean Xavier?" "S-Soulmate? I-I don't understand."

"I  know this is a lot. In my world, of shifters, we all have a destined mate. This person is chosen by the moon goddess to be ours. To love us.  You are mine."

"S-shifters?" I am in shock and very confused. He is crazy which makes me feel crazy too. Maybe we are both crazy.

His words ring in my head. You are mine.

"Yes Aurora, Shifters. More specifically wolves. Im-well. I need to show you what I am. Just please, don't be afraid. Don't leave." His eyes are pleading with mine. Begging me to stay. I will try, I will. No matter what he is going to show me.

He steps back from me, bending down. As he gets lower to the ground I hear his bones pop, and break. I close my eyes in fear of what I will open them to. I can hear him move. He grunts and when I open my eyes, Xavier is gone. In his place, stands a huge, jet-black wolf with green eyes.

I push back on the bed, and my back makes contact with the headboard.

I am speechless.

The wolf-Xavier walks slowly toward me, never breaking eye contact. I stay still unsure of what he will do. When he is less than a foot away, he nuzzles his head in my lap.

I feel myself panic at first, before easing into his touch. This is-I am not sure what this is.

Before I can help myself, I reach toward him and stroke his fur. It causes him to move closer to me.

"C-can you change b-back please?" I asked, my voice quiet as a mouse.

The wolf- I mean- Xavier backs away, walking into the next room. I hear shuffling and a strange nose before he appears back into the room, pulling his shirt over his head. I can not even let myself think of how he looks in that brief moment without a shirt. It makes me think things I should not.

This is all so much already. I have only just met him and I already feel I can not be without him. A wolf, a shifter. Xavier.

"I-why-how-im your mate? This-this is too much." I say, looking down at my hands holding the blanket I had.

He comes over to the bed and sits.

"You didn't leave," he says with a look of relief on his face

"I didn't leave," I say. "Xavier...before y-you said some things," I say, trying not to look at him. Too embarrassed to. Too afraid to.

"Yes, Aurora, I said some things. I meant it all. You are my soulmate. Mine. In my world, our god is known as the moon goddess. She connects two souls. She creates a bond. We have that bond. We are mates. I am yours, and you are mine." He says, taking my hands into his.

That is why I feel this pull....are his feelings for me then, not real? I feel the need to cry and cover my face again with my hands, but he has them.

"Aurora, what's wrong?" He tries to move my hands but I don't budge.

"  don't actually like me, it's just, this pull?" I can feel myself breaking down. How can I be so stupid to think anyone would care for me at all?

"Oh  fuck, no Aurora! The moon goddess only guides us. All of our feelings are real and genuine. You are my mate, my beautiful mate Aurora. Yes,  it's why you felt okay to be around me and why you feel pulled towards  me but all of our feelings are created by each other, not the goddess." I  feel him go to hold me, and I let him.

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