Chapter Twenty: Leave

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It's been four weeks since I killed Tom.

Four weeks.

Xavier has been distant. He smiles less. He talks less. At first, I would go look for him at night to bring him to bed. He would always say he would be there soon but never came. He is always in his office, doing what he says is "pack business". It hurts. He hasn't been here for me. He hasn't been here at all.

The bad thoughts have come back. At least once a day I find myself inching closer to the blades of his razor. I have to fight the urge to cut. I'm scared one day, I won't be able to help myself.

Sarah has been around. We have our speech sessions. It helps but when she leaves, I am left to my own dark feelings all over again. This hollow hole forms in my chest and won't go away.

I stand up, wiping my mouth as I flush the toilet. I walk over to the sink, rinse out my mouth, and wash my face. My hands roam over my face as I take my features in. I have dark circles and pale skin. I think I'm getting a cold. It's been hard to sleep without Xavier. Really Hard.


I turn to see Sarah standing the doorway.

"Y-yes?" I say weakly.

"Are you alright? You were in here a while." She says clearly looking concerned.

I can not lie. She has only ever been a good friend to me.

"No. N-no I'm not." I say, letting the tears fall around my face as I sit on the bathroom floor.

"Hey, hey I'm here Aurora. Were you throwing up?" She asks as she sits beside me and gives me a hug.

I nod.

"Aurora, when was the last time you had a period?" The minute the words left her mouth I inhaled sharply. The shock of it takes me back.

I look at her as my breathing quickens.

"Over a month a-ago."

"Oh Aurora, you might be....I think you're pregnant. You've been throwing up a lot, tired, and your mood is all over the place. The alpha being...busy...why don't I take you to the pack doctor-"

"No-no, Xavier, he'll know if I do. He said he was busy with pack duties. I can't-I-I am a burden enough lately." I say, trying to swallow the urge to throw up again.

She nods and starts to stand up.

"Okay then, I am going to go get you a test, some crackers, and water. I'll be back soon okay?"

Sarah gives me a recurring smile and stands walking to the door.

I don't have much energy to say anything. I just nod.

Sitting here, I think of what would happen if I was pregnant. If Xavier would be mad. If it would push him further away. My mind wanders as to if he wants me anymore. To why he has been so distant.

Time seems to move fast and stand still all at once. I watch the clock tick and tick and tick.

10:35 am.

I close my eyes and open them again as I lie on the floor by the toilet.

11:15 am.

I hear the door creak open and see Sarah holding a plate of food, a cup of water, and a brown bag.

My stomach drops as I think about what's in the brown bag.

My future, my life.

"Hey, I am going to be here the whole time. Let's get you some water, take the test, and have some snacks while we wait. The crackers will help to settle your stomach." Sarah says giving me a small smile. Sarah is so nice. She is the friend I never knew I could have.

"O-okay." I say as I begin to sit up and reach for the water.

I take a couple of sips before taking the brown bag from Sarah's hand.

I stand up and close the door to the bathroom.

As I take the test out my heart begins to beat faster. I try to remind myself that Xavier loves me. That he will still want me no matter what this test says.

When I'm done, I set the test on the sink and turn to the door to let Sarah in.

As I open it she immediately enters and gives me a hug.

"No matter what this test says, I am here for you. The alpha will be too....I'm sure of it. "

I feel a tear run down my cheek as I take a deep breath in, turn around, and look down at the pregnancy test.


Four weeks.

Four fucking weeks.

His words never leave, and neither does this fear in my chest.

My Aurora. To keep her safe, I needed to find answers. Ones not easily found. It's been hard to be away from her. Every part of me begs for her touch, her smiles, her love. My wolf hates me every day for staying away from our mate. I hate myself for this, and I am sure Aurora hates me too.

I can't be with her until I know I won't ever hurt her. Until I know Tom's threat means nothing.

I am taken from my thoughts when I hear a knock on the door.

I know who it is before they say a word.


"I- I uh- there is-um-"

"What is it?" I snap not meaning to. I lower my head in shame at my actions I hear her begin to cry and walk away.

I go to walk to the door to chase after her when I hear her walking back towards the door. When I open the door we are face to face for the first time in weeks

"If-if you don't want me a-anymore, fine. I will do this a-alone. Ill-ill leave and and I-ll do-do it- alone-alone." I watch as she goes into a panic attack wrapping her arms around her tiny frame and struggles to get her words out.

"Baby, I'm here, please, I'm sorry, take a deep breath Rory-" I try to take her small body in my when she backs away shaking her head rapidly.

"I-I will do this alone i-if I have to. D-don't make me do-do this alone." She uncrosses her arms and hands me a white stick with two pink lines across it.

Two pink lines.


"I don't want to-do this alone, Xavier. But, If I have to, I will. I-I will put this baby first. I will put this baby first and I-I will leave."

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