Chapter Twenty-Four: Promise

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I heel over in pain as my contractions start. They come closer and closer each time.

My life and child's birth on a ticking clock. My life with Xavier, coming to an end.

I watch as Xavier panics. He tries to keep it together. He tries to show his happiness for his child's birth, but he can't. He is struggling internally for the life he is being given and the one being taken away. 

"Aurora-I-Im so sorry-please, st-"

But I can't. I can't stay. I have to do this. I have to.

"X-xavier, I love you with everything I have. But-this is the only choice I have ever had in my life. The only choice that I will ever get to make. For our d-" I stop and grunt in pain. Xavier takes my hand in his and wipes the tears from my eyes. "For our daughter, I n-need to make this choice," I say, breathing heavily as my mind falls to pieces and the urge to push overcomes me. 

 Xavier's eyes fill with tears like I have never seen before.

"'s time to push." The nurse says quietly. Too afraid of what comes next, and of Xavier's reaction.

Xaviers eyes dart to mine. Fear showing across his beautiful face.

I look at the man I love. The father of my child.

Ill never get to raise our daughter with him.

Never marry him.

Never grow old with him.

As I push and scream, squeezing Xavier's hand, I feel my body begin to slip away. I look around and see blood everywhere. She was almost here.

"Rory-stay with me baby-please, please, please stay, please!"

I smile as I look up at my mate one last time.

I feel the doctor pull our daughter from me. 

Then I hear my daughter, my baby cry.

I look over to see her.

"Sh-shes so beautiful Xavier-" I say faintly. I try to hold on. I really try.

"Alpha, She is losing too much blood-"

"No! No you can help her, you can fix this, fucking fix this!"

I feel him begin to move away towards the doctor when I take his hand in mine again.

"Please no baby, please don't leave me."

I smile softly as warmth fills my entire body. 

I look up at my mate one last time. One last time.

His hands cup my face as he leans his forehead against mine.

"I have always l-loved your eyes."

With those final words. With my daughter safe and my mate holding me, I let my body float away. Knowing one day, when it is time, I will see them again.


I felt her leave me. I felt her body fade away. I felt her last breath. As she died, our bond was supposed to shatter. It was supposed to break. But our love cannot be broken, not even in death.

She was the best part of me.

My body trembles and shakes as I sobbed next to my mate's lifeless body.

"Alpha...would you like to hold your daughter?"

My eyes turn to face the child my mate died for. Our daughter. The only piece of Aurora I have left. 

As My hands shake, I stand up and turn to the nurse holding Rain.

I slowly step towards her, feeling the strain in my face as my tears dry.

I take my daughter in my arms and look into her ocean-blue eyes.

"I promise to love you little one. I promise."

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