Chapter 1 (Edited ✔️)

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Emma Smith

I find myself wandering through the dense woods, my eyes fixed on the majestic wolf leading the way. Its sleek black fur glistens in the sunlight, and I can't help but feel a deep connection to this wild creature.

As we continue our journey, the wolf suddenly slows down and turns to look back at me, its eyes filled with a sense of urgency. I quicken my pace, eager to keep up with my enigmatic guide.

I can't help but be mesmerized by the wolf's beauty. The contrast of its black coat against the white tip of its tail is striking, and its eyes, a mesmerizing shade of hazel-brown, seem to see right through me, connecting with my own eyes, which are a mix of green and blue.

Just as I feel myself being pulled deeper into the mysterious allure of the wolf, I hear a voice calling out my name. "Emma."

I try to ignore the voice, focusing on the wolf in front of me, but the calling grows louder and more insistent. "Emma..."

"Wake up, honey."

I slowly open my eyes to the sound of my mother's voice calling out to me. The vivid image of the wolf fades away as I return to reality. However, the memory of the wolf lingers, leaving me with a sense of longing and wonder.

"Come on, Mom, why did you wake me up?" I grumble, feeling annoyed at being roused from my dream-filled slumber.

Lately, this wolf has been appearing in my dreams with surprising frequency. There's something about those piercing eyes that feels oddly familiar, like a memory just out of reach. I can't shake the feeling that I know those eyes from somewhere, but I can't quite place where.

My mother gives me a pointed look, clearly unimpressed with my groggy complaints. Her gentle face, framed by wavy chestnut hair, looks slightly amused despite her firm tone.

"Did you notice the time, Missy? You'll be late for school if you don't get moving. Come on, get up and take a shower right now," she says firmly, gently tugging at my hand to urge me out of bed.

I reluctantly comply, giving my mother a quick kiss on the cheek before rushing off to the bathroom to start my day. The image of those familiar wolf eyes lingers in my mind, leaving me with a sense of unease that I can't quite shake.

As my 18th birthday approaches, I find myself encountering this wolf in my dreams more and more frequently. I am unsure if there is any significance to this recurring dream in relation to reality.

I even sought answers from my father, who is the beta of our pack. However, he too was unable to provide a clear explanation for why I am seeing this wolf. You must be feeling confused, right? Beta? Pack? Well, we are not entirely human. To be precise, we are a pack of werewolves - a hybrid of human and wolf. Our pack, known as the Moonshine Pack, is one of the most powerful packs in California. My father, James Smith, holds the position of beta. He has a commanding presence, his tall and muscular frame reflecting his role as second-in-command, with short-cropped dark hair and a strong jawline that gives him an air of authority. My mother, Evelyn Smith, is a human and the beta's mate. "Mate?" you may ask.

In our world, the moon goddess herself selects a partner for us. This chosen individual is referred to as our mate because they are considered to be the other half of our soul-our soulmate.

I have been eagerly awaiting the day I would meet my mate ever since I learned what a mate is. Watching my parents' loving relationship has only fueled my daydreams of finding my own happily ever after. Some might call me a hopeless romantic, but I can't help but imagine starting a family, getting married, and having children of my own.

The day I turn 18 is just around the corner, and with it comes my first shift as a wolf and the chance to finally meet my soulmate. I can hardly contain my excitement.

After quickly showering and getting dressed for school, I head out of my room for breakfast.

My parents are already seated at the table, a spread of breakfast foods laid out before them, when I enter the kitchen.

"Morning, Dad," I greet him with a kiss on the cheek.

My father, engrossed in his phone, looks up and sets it aside with a smile. "Good morning, my princess," he says warmly.

I smile at the familiar term of endearment. I have always been my parents' princess, especially my father's. I am definitely a daddy's girl.

I quickly dig into my pancakes and orange juice, eager to finish before my friends arrive to give me a ride to school. As I hear the honk of a car outside, I know they are waiting for me.

After a hasty goodbye to my parents, I rush out the door, ready for another day at school.


Author's note: If you enjoyed this chapter, please vote and leave a comment. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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