Chapter 19 ✔️

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Emma Smith

I spent an additional two days in the hospital, much to my dismay. Convincing the doctors and nurses to let me go home was a struggle, but eventually, Dr. Lewis reassessed my condition and acknowledged that I was improving. However, they were still puzzled as to why I couldn't shift. Deep down, I had a hunch about the reason, but for now, I decided to keep it to myself. Once I was back home, I planned to discuss it with Ashton and my father, but this conversation had to remain confidential within our pack.

To ensure that my absence from work was understood, I reached out to Mr. Hudson and explained my situation. I informed him that I had fallen ill and had been admitted to the hospital by Ashton and my father. This was the reason why I hadn't been able to come to work for the past six days. Yes, six days. It was hard to believe that I had been unconscious for four days and then slept for almost 24 hours due to the sedatives they had administered. Mr. Hudson expressed interest in visiting me, but I politely requested that he come over to my apartment after I was discharged.

Of course, I couldn't disclose the true reason for my absence from work. Mr. Hudson remained unaware that I wasn't in a regular hospital, but rather in a pack hospital.

Alpha Aiden and his mate Sharon kindly invited us to join them for a farewell lunch, and we gladly accepted their invitation. It was a chance for us to enjoy some time together before I returned home.

My father decided to head back to my apartment early to make sure everything was ready for my return. Meanwhile, I had heartfelt conversations with my mother, Abigail, Alpha Charles, and Luna Dorothy. Although they were no longer the alpha and luna, their unwavering support meant the world to me.

Everyone genuinely cared about my well-being and couldn't help but ask about warlock Nicholas Campbell. I assured them that I would only discuss this matter once I was back with the pack. Finally, as the time approached for me to return, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. The relaxed atmosphere surrounding the pack was something I truly appreciated, since my childhood days. After all, it's my home where I was born and brought up, and where I belong.

As we arrived at Aiden and Sharon's house, nestled in the charming alpha quarter, a profound sense of gratitude washed over me. Their unwavering kindness and support during our darkest moments had been immeasurable. They had gone above and beyond to help Ashton and my father in taking care of me, and I was eager to express my heartfelt thanks in person.

As we stepped inside, the tantalizing aroma of a mouthwatering meal enveloped the air, teasing our senses. Aiden and Sharon greeted us with warm smiles, their eyes twinkling with anticipation. They guided us to the dining room, where a table was meticulously set with an array of delectable dishes fit for royalty.

"Wow, this looks absolutely amazing!" I exclaimed, my mouth watering at the sight of the sumptuous spread before us.

"We're glad you like it," Sharon replied, her voice filled with genuine warmth. "We wanted to make sure we had something special for you, Emma, after everything you've been through."

As we settled down at the table, I couldn't help but notice the mischievous glances exchanged between Aiden and Sharon. It was evident that they had something delightful planned.

"So, Emma," Aiden began, a playful grin spreading across his face, "how does it feel to have Ashton, an alpha, wrapped around your finger?"

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