Chapter 20 ✔️

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Ashton Williams

Emma's revelation about our past lives as Christopher and Elizabeth has left me reeling. I never imagined myself as anyone other than who I am now, but the way she speaks-with such conviction and sincerity-pulls me in, making me want to believe her. Her eyes, filled with a determination that borders on desperation, captivate me. It's hard not to be drawn in by her certainty, even when my own mind is awash with doubts and questions. But I decide, in that moment, that I will support her. I will believe her, if only because she believes so fiercely in whatever truth she's discovered.

As I stroll back home from the takeout joint, my thoughts are consumed by the mystery of Nicholas Campbell's role in all of this. Emma's explanations have been maddeningly vague, leaving gaps that frustrate me to no end. Yet, despite the frustration, I trust that she has a plan. She always does, even if that plan often seems like a leap of faith to me. I chuckle to myself, thinking about how she's always been like this-stubborn and determined, qualities that both drive me up the wall and make me love her even more.

She had a craving for something different for breakfast this morning, and I'm happy I managed to find all her favorite items. The idea of surprising her with the food she loves fills me with a strange joy, a sense of comfort in the small, familiar routines we've established. But I can't help but feel a pang of annoyance at her eccentricity. Even now, with so much uncertainty around us, she manages to find new ways to surprise me, to make me worry, to make me care. Despite it all, there's no denying the depth of my feelings for her. My heart beats a little faster just thinking about her smile when she sees the breakfast I've brought.

Emma refuses to return to the pack house until she has resigned from her job, insisting on serving her notice period before coming back. It's one of those stubborn quirks of hers that I both admire and dread. She's always been like this-headstrong, unwavering in her decisions. I admire her resolve to do things her way, even if it means causing me more than a few headaches. Part of me wants to shake some sense into her, to tell her that we have bigger things to worry about right now than a job. But another part, a bigger part, loves her for this. For sticking to her principles, for being Emma.

Despite the mystery surrounding her inability to shift into her wolf form and this strange connection to our supposed past lives, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement tingling beneath my skin. There's something thrilling about the unknown, about the possibility of uncovering secrets that have been buried for lifetimes. Emma's unwavering belief that meeting Nicholas Campbell will change everything gives me hope, even if I don't fully understand why. I trust her instinct, and I can't wait to see where this journey takes us. Even if it means putting up with all her quirks and antics along the way, I know I wouldn't want it any other way.


I sat at the dining table that afternoon, nervously fidgeting with my fork as I glanced between Emma and James. The tension in the room was palpable, and I knew exactly why. James wanted me to go back to the pack, to fulfill my duties as the alpha. But I couldn't leave Emma, not now, not ever.

"Pass the salt, please," Emma said, breaking the silence. I quickly handed her the salt shaker, trying to avoid eye contact with James. I could feel his gaze burning into me, his silent command clear. However, I was dreading this discussion and was determined not to return home without Emma, so I did my best to steer clear of any serious conversation.

"Son, I understand that you care for Emma," James began, his voice carrying a mix of stern authority and genuine concern. "But the pack needs you. You're the alpha, Ashton. They rely on you."

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