Chapter 34

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Ashton Williams

Some time earlier, before Emma’s attack.

The brisk autumn breeze wrapped around me, carrying the scent of pine and the faint rumble of distant thunder. I stood at the edge of the training grounds, watching my pack members sharpen their combat skills, both in wolf and human form. The clash of weapons, the grunts of effort, and the rustling of wolves moving through the grass filled the air—a constant rhythm of strength and discipline.

My gaze shifted toward the center of the grounds, where Abigail was sparring with Emma. My heart clenched with both pride and worry. Emma moved with precision, her body graceful despite the strain. Sweat trickled down her brow, her hair coming loose from its braid. She was trying—really trying—and yet, there was a fragility to her today that I couldn’t quite ignore.

She was skilled, no doubt about it, but there was something more. Her movements seemed a little too careful, her breaths coming a little too fast. The fatigue was visible, and as much as I admired her strength, something about her seemed... off.

"Good," Abigail grunted, blocking Emma’s strike with practiced ease. "Speed and precision. Don’t let your emotions take over."

Emma nodded, her breath heavy. "I know," she replied, her voice tight, as if holding something back. There was determination in her eyes, but also something else—something unspoken.

I watched from the sidelines, my wolf, Lucas, pacing restlessly inside me. Every part of me ached to be out there with her, but I held back. My role was to observe, to assess, to protect.

"She's doing well," Ethan’s voice rumbled beside me. He crossed his arms, his eyes following Emma’s every move.

"She is," I agreed, though there was a tinge of worry underneath the pride. "She’s stronger than she knows. But..." I trailed off, my gaze narrowing as Emma faltered for just a moment, placing a hand on her abdomen before straightening.

Ethan raised a brow. "You’ve noticed too, haven’t you?"

I clenched my fists, unsure of how to voice the thoughts that had been gnawing at me for days. Emma had been pushing herself hard—too hard. Her physical exhaustion was evident, but there was something else. Something I couldn't quite put my finger on, but it gnawed at my gut. Could it be...?

"Have you spoken to her?" Ethan asked quietly, his eyes filled with the same concern that gnawed at me.

I shook my head. "I’ve tried, but... she’s been avoiding me. I’ve only ever wanted to protect her, but now I think I’ve pushed her too far."

Ethan nodded, but before he could respond, my attention was drawn back to the training field. The session was winding down, and Abigail called for a break. Emma collapsed onto the grass, her chest heaving with exhaustion, her triumphant grin barely masking the deep weariness that clung to her.

"You did well, Em," Abigail said, offering her a hand up. "You’ve come a long way in a short time."

Emma accepted her hand, her smile tired but genuine. "Thank you, Abi. I couldn’t have done it without you."

As I approached, I noticed the faint tremor in her hand as she wiped the sweat from her brow. Something was wrong, but she wouldn’t tell me.

"You were incredible out there," I murmured, reaching out to wrap my arm around her waist, but she pulled away, subtle yet deliberate. It stung, and she didn’t even meet my eyes.

Her movement—graceful as always—seemed almost too careful, as if she were protecting something. Protecting herself. Or maybe... protecting someone else.

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