Chapter 32

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Emma Smith

Three weeks later.

It’s been over three weeks since I returned home to the pack, and every day has been physically demanding, even more exhausting than I anticipated. The moment I arrived, the reality of what it meant to be Luna began to sink in. I’m no longer just Emma Smith; I’m responsible for leading this pack, along with Ashton. And it feels... overwhelming, to say the least.

The meeting Ashton attended that day was about rogue attacks that have been happening in our neighboring packs. The rogues are relentless, and although our territory has been untouched for almost two decades, the threat looms closer now. Sixteen years ago, the last rogue attack shook this land to its core. I was just a child then, but the memories still linger—the chaos, the fear. Charles, Ashton’s father, and my own father were the alpha and beta back then, standing at the forefront to protect us all. I remember Dorothy, Ashton’s mother, and the other warriors fighting with unyielding strength, while my own human mother stayed behind, comforting us children and keeping us safe in ways only she knew how.

But now, it’s our responsibility—mine and Ashton’s. We’re in charge, and that weight presses down on me more with each passing day.

Ashton has been relentless in enforcing special training for the entire pack, personally overseeing my progress. He’s thorough, meticulous, and... well, quite overbearing at times. Abigail trains with me, which helps, but I can feel the rust on my bones from being away for three long years. The pack atmosphere is so different from my life in New York. There’s a rhythm here—one of strength, power, and unity. I’ve been trying to get back into that rhythm, but my body feels foreign to it now.

While I had basic training like everyone else growing up in the pack, Ashton, Ethan, and Abigail have trained at a completely different level. They’ve been groomed for their roles as alpha, beta, and gamma, and their skills reflect that. Abigail even leads the warriors now, something I admire about her. She’s fierce, a natural-born leader. If I hadn’t left to chase my own dreams, I could have been one of them, maybe a beta or a high-ranking warrior. But I chose a different path—one I’m still determined to follow, even if the road ahead seems blurry at the moment.

Becoming a doctor was always my dream, one that pulled me away from this life for three years. I know it’s not the traditional role for a Luna, but it’s who I am. Yes, I will defend my pack and my loved ones if I have to, but fighting has never been my passion. And now, being pushed to match Ashton’s training intensity feels... draining. My body has become soft from city life, and here I am, being thrust back into the world of combat and tactics. Weapons training—something I never imagined I’d need—is now part of my daily life. The resentment simmers beneath the surface, but I understand why it’s necessary. Rogues don’t wait for you to be ready. They strike when you’re weakest.

The truth is, I’m at a disadvantage. I can’t shift into my wolf form. While the others can easily transform and use their wolf abilities to fight, I’m stuck in my human body, wielding weapons. The pack elders understand the need for such training, especially for high-ranking wolves, because there’s always the risk of exposure to wolfsbane. Without our wolves, we have to rely on our human strength. It makes sense logically, but it doesn’t make the process any easier.

Through it all, Bella, my wolf, is there. Quiet, but present. She’s become a constant companion in my mind, though speaking with her takes effort. She tells me that something is blocking her, making it hard to fully break through. When we do communicate, it’s brief. Her exhaustion mirrors my own, but in moments of heightened emotion, like during training, the flicker of her amber eyes is visible to others. Only Ashton and Lucas can communicate with her through the mind link, but even then, Bella feels distant. It’s like she’s trapped, unable to fully come to the surface.

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